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Aruvyel (DayZ)

The Last DayZ | ZOMBIE HORDES | Fortify Player's Camps | New Buildings&Loadout | 80 Slots

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The Last DayZ

Explore a new survival experience

Final release!

Hey guys, we are very excited to present you all our new project: The Last DayZ

This project is about making in-world infection in DayZ more real with zombies pressure on players. By now, all players just rush military weapons in north and start PvP everywhere. In "The Last DayZ", weapons will be more difficult to find and zombie's encounter won't help you! You'll have to group, make relations and be friendly for people to trust you.

Adding new buildings in-world to scavenge will force players to explore the map and discover new places they'll never see before. Want to take a chance to survive ?

What is The Last DayZ project?

  • A dedicated server for DayZ Mod running Taviana 2.0
  • A new zombie spawn experience called "Zombie Hordes"
  • New buildings in-world (houses,hospitals,schools,markets and more)
  • New player's camps system (players can find camps to fortify in-world or create their owns)
  • New player's spawn system (more spawn locations)
  • Custom Loadout
  • More animals in-world
  • Around 100 Vehicles
  • Anti-hack (actually using Battleye and Gotcha)
  • Active admins
  • New player clothes at spawn
  • A custom Debug Monitor
  • A dedicated TeamSpeak 3 to our DayZ players

Check our Server Preview on Youtube here:

Official Webpage: http://www.thelastdayz.org

TeamSpeak 3:

You can contact us by Mail at: contact@thelastdayz.org

We are actually two server admins working to add new contents/features and making a stable server.

Thanks for reading and see you soon on our server,



Edited by Aruvyel

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Hey guys, Open Beta is actually running well. We met some troubles and fix some issues on server side.

Here is the list of known bugs that will be fix asap,

  • FPS shutdown due to aircraft (zombies+aircraft = client side overload)
  • UTC will be changed soon to have more lights during night (for european gamers)

Actually, our server is running at 15% CPU and 25% memory, it's more than stable!

Thanks again for all our tester and hope to see more people soon,


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Hiya here,

First, i have to thanks all players that mailed me yesterday about our project. We keep an eye on your ideas and will make a filter about all your suggestions.

Actually, the development of our "Zombie horde" system is quite new and we will add "more and more" zombies. The server we are using actually is not overload and there is many way to add more features in-game.

After a short discussion with our players, zombies are balanced in every cities and there is less murders. Two groups were playing together last night and tryied to survive and that's a positive result!

So, let's continue that way and we hope to see more people trying the "survival experience" with us.

Good luck and have fun to all our survivors,


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Final Release

on 31/01/2013

Hey DayZmod community, we finally release our last patch on our DayZ dedicated server!

  • Server side modifications
  • FPS increase
  • Splash screen modification
  • 80 slots open on our server
  • More buildings in-world
  • More player's camps to fortify
  • Website modification
  • Vehicles modification

More informations at www.thelastdayz.org !


Edited by Aruvyel

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Hey guys,

If you encounter any problems to join the server, please be patient during the Battleye update due to their maintenance!

Thanks you and see ya soon on our DayZ server,


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Due to Battleye's problems, we are rebooting to force synchronisation. We also lock/unlock some chat's channels.

Channel disabled: Global, Command, Group, Vehicle, System

Channel enabled: Side, Direct

We finally beat our server record of zombies spawn in-game: 452

We trully apologize if you encounter problems to connect on the server and we pray for Battleye to be reactive during their maintenance.


Edited by Aruvyel

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After some player's reports, it seems that our players have some troubles to stay alive against the zombie's infection *giggles*.

We decide to add some Taviana's features to give you some help.

  • Helicrash with table loot's modifications (with less overpowered weapons)
  • Care Packages (Medical and Support supplies)
  • Car Wrecks (with less overpowered weapons)

Remember that you can find military's tents and camps outside of cities!

We reach our first high player's number with 24 players online yesterday. Thanks to all and we hope to see more coming soon to test more and more zombie spawns!


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