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At night in the woods not run: It is likely to fall, stumble, slip.

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Please, people need to stop with the "easy mode" nonsense. DayZ is a game. Weather or not something is "easy" or "hard" is completely secondary to weather it's fun or not fun. Random tripping or random injuries at night are simply not fun. On top of that, it's not even a proper "hard" mechanic. When it comes to adding any feature to the game, with the goal of making the game harder, you need to ask yourself some questions...

1. Does the new challenge require sufficiently complex planning, strategy, and/or reflex on the part of the player to overcome?

2. Does the new challenge involve a sufficient level of player interaction and control?

3. Is the gameplay reward for overcoming the new challenge sufficiently rewarding to the player?

4. Is the penalty for failing to overcome the new challenge appropriate when compared to the award granted for overcoming the new challenge?

5. Is the theme of the new challenge something that is engrossing and stimulates the player's imagination and desire to achieve, and does it add to the escapist nature of the game?

6. Is the new challenge occurring too often in the game so as to become repetitive?

7. Are the gameplay benefits of the new challenge worth the coding effort?

The tripping mechanic proposed in this thread fails at ALL of the above questions. It doesn't require any depth of strategy or planning to overcome. The nature of the challenge involves random negative penalties, instead of direct player interaction. The only reward for overcoming the challenge is that you don't get saddled with more down-time between the prime focus of the game. The penalty for failure is increased tedium, and in the case of possible leg breaking, there's potential for catastrophic punishment. Simulated tripping is incredibly boring thematically, and it's not going to add to an individual's desire to take a break from the real world to "escape" into the world of DayZ. The new challenge, would be present all the time and be extremely repetitive. And the coding effort that would be required to add a tripping mechanic at this point in the game is no where near the benefits (if any) that the mechanic would add to DayZ's gameplay.

now that you take a more rational approach, i see what you mean. it was just hard to find the point when it was drowned in QQ. no offense, but the first post was just "this is stupid, i don't like this, this is the last thing the mod/game needs, why would you suggest this crap, etc. etc."

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Anyone who's been in the woods during a night march knows that you can't run. In game it would be boring, but then again, there are players willing to hide for an hour in a good sniping spot, so fun is subjective. There is a balance to be struck between playability and realistic simulation for sure, but the idea is not bad. It requires more ambience, scary night setting with creepy sounds that would tentalise the player to go through in fast mode, while the fear of potential injury would "hold him/her back". As for reward, going through it in one piece should be reward enough. In essence you take a boring portion of the game, (going from point A to point B) and turn it into something more... hopefully.

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