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Brack (DayZ)

Chernarus Resistance [CR]

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Chernarus Resistance

Chernarus Resistance is a small group i decided to made, because my old clan is pretty much dead. everyone stopped playing, so i decided to make a small tactical squad, called Chernarus Resistance. We kill bandits on sight, and try to avoid killing survivors and heroes, and i do not accept banditry in my squad.

Ranks: Commander (me) 2nd in command (takes command if i die in firefight, first one to join gets that rank) Sergeant (In command of CPL's and PVT's) Corporal (Under command of SGT, might command some of the privates.) Private. (In command of Sergeant and sometimes Corporal.

Classes: Officer. (Me) Gear: M4's, basically has the best gear of the squad. Medic. Gear: M4, M16 and AK variants. Scout: DMR's, M14's, and other high powered rifles. Sniper: Barret's, M24, and other extremely powerful rifles. CQB expert: Shotguns, carries most of the squads ammo. Night expert. Gear: Silenced rifles, NVG's, this one is the squad's sneaker and night expert as stated. Well, thats it for the classes. I'm thinking of co-operating with DBSE clan, my previous clan, which im not leaving, but almost noone plays in it anymore. We could co-operate with them, ill just ask that from that clan's leader. Q&A. My age? 14. Dont judge me, im experienced and mature. How many hours of gameplay in DayZ? 400+ in normal ArmA, and 400+ uncounted other hours in DayZ. I think thats enough. If you have anymore questions, just ask for them down below. Requirements: Skype or TS, i'm not sure which one we will use for communicating,we might even use Mumble. I'am also intrested in playing other games than just ArmA and DayZ, for example Battlefield 2: Project Reality. Hope anyone has that. Tell me these.

Your age?

Why you want to join this clan?

How experienced?

What gear and your location in map?

What skin?

Will you stay loyal, or are you just a hopper?

Do you have a microphone?

What role are you intrested in?

What other games you have?

Are you willing to play tactically, and are you intrested in playing tactically?

Well, thats it. Sorry for possible english fails, im not a native english speaker. Thats it for now. I'll be checking this post everyday many times, so you should get answer to will you get applied or not very soon after posting it. Well, thats it for me. See you guys, hope to see you in the battlefield!

Edited by Brack

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Your age: 14

Why do you want to join this clan: Playing in groups in Dayz is more fun in my opinion

How experienced: Played Dayz for 3 months now

What gear and location on map: I died recently, but I know my surroundings well to get gear and pinpoint my location

What skin: Survivor

Will you stay loyal or just a hopper: Always loyal, I won't come only when I'm busy with homework or studies

Do you have a microphone: Yes

What role are you interested in: Second in command

What other games do you have: Team Fortress 2 and Dark Souls, I'd like to play Battlefield but Origin is just....ewww

Are you willing to play tactically, and are you interested in playing tactically: Tactic and strategy is everything in Dayz

Hope I'm accepted...

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Accepted as 2nd in command. I want you as 2nd in command, because you are in DBSE too.

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ok well I'll apply then.

Your age? 16

Why you want to join this clan? Haven't played dayz in awhile and my friends have decided they are waiting for standalone, but I have all this good gear and I want to put it to some use before standalone. Also dayz is much better in groups cause running in the woods on your own sucks.

How experienced? Played for 7-8 months. (basically since the firsy 100,000 players), so I've seen it all and done it all.

What gear and your location in map? I am currently middle of the map. For gear I have m24, ghillie, rangefinders, coyote pack, tools and stuff + l85 TWS (Yup, haven't played in awhile so still have one).

What skin? Not really sure, I have had a ghillie suit on for so long now I forget what my skin looks like, I think a survivor skin, but I do have some murders I think.

Will you stay loyal, or are you just a hopper? I will stay loyal if the group goes well and gets some good players (what I mean is I have joined some groups who end up falling apart after just a week, I just wanna make sure). I may not be as active as some members on account of school and exams but I will play a few times a week.

Do you have a microphone? Yup

What role are you intrested in? Probably sniper, I don't mind some of the other roles but thats what I'm best at.

What other games you have? Loads, but I am only really looking for a group in dayz as I play with other people on those games.

Are you willing to play tactically, and are you intrested in playing tactically? Yeh me and my friends used to play tactically most of the time and it does make the game fun at times, but occasionally you have to mess about a little bit.

EDIT: Will this be based on one hive server, across a few hive servers, or a private hive server?

You're accepted, you sound good. And we will play in normal servers also known as public hives.

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And btw, youre not yet accepted as sniper. I want to see your skills in a firing range i made.

Edited by Brack

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Why you want to join this clan? looking for a good group to join and start playing dayz

How experienced? close to 3 months

What gear and your location in map?just died so i would have to start over

What skin?Survivor

Will you stay loyal, or are you just a hopper?loyal

Do you have a microphone?not right now i am looking for a good one now

What role are you intrested in? assualt sniper medic

What other games you have?minecraft and warz

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Are you willing to play tactically, and are you intrested in playing tactically? yes

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Sorry den, this clan is "dead" until further notice. If i get more appliements, ill bring it back up.

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Ok, im bringing it back up. Everyone who want to apply, send your appliements here and add me on steam: snipez444/DBSE Maverick and skype: kaapo.bebeng (thats not my real name)

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Why you want to join this clan? looking for a good group to join and start playing dayz

How experienced? close to 3 months

What gear and your location in map?just died so i would have to start over

What skin?Survivor

Will you stay loyal, or are you just a hopper?loyal

Do you have a microphone?not right now i am looking for a good one now

What role are you intrested in? assualt sniper medic

What other games you have?minecraft and warz

Accepted. Add me on Steam, though i do want to see your skills on the range.

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