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Looking for a group

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I've been playing DayZ since July 2012 and have been playing ever since. I usually tend to not interact with other players as I've been betrayed so many times that I'd finally given up on trying to be friendly. I only tend to help people that I know can't hurt or harm me. I know DayZ very well and I know the mechanics pretty good. I'm looking for a mature and friendly group of people I can play with because frankly playing alone isn't fun at all anymore for me and just isn't what it used to be (watching all those cool videos on youtube of people having tons of fun didn't help my cause either :P). So that's basically it, I'm 16 years old, have a working microphone and I'm looking for a fun group to play with to sum it up :) Thanks for your time!

My ingame name is Freddy and I can play almost any day and I can use any VOIP program really.

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Me and my friend would be glad to play with you,add me on skype:cod4 noobs for any info you need

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Did what you all told me but I'm not getting any response from you guys.

I am sorry accidently ignored your request,could you send it again on skype please?

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the bsb network have a big community where you can join their factions or create a small group with other players on the network, they have a teamspeak channel on their website. i joined a few weeks ago and i hardly ever play alone anymore.

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I just bought an EU server! It's using the Chernarus map. It's new so most vehicle spawns are fresh! 100+ vehicles - 24/7 daylight - Starting Gear!

Search "LewisTheGamer" in PlayWithSix or DayZCommander to find us! :)

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Still looking for some people to play with, absolutely no one I added from here answered me....

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Check it out, average about 10-15 peopple on at night, The server is monitored by admins at all times and has a db backup incase of hackers. The server is normally private but looking for new blood to come and join. There are a few clans that play on it, some Hero some bandit. Lots of friendly neutrals to group up with. They also have teamspeak, you should take a look at it. My in game is xSniperX I personally play as a bandit but if thats not your style there are 3 clans that play on the server as well. When the server goes private there will also be custom bases again.

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