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Pay Attention!!!

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If you jump in a server and start chatting up with a person in blue side channel chat and server is pay god damn attention....YOU HAVE THE WRONG VERSION...so nothing is wrong with the game, the problem is you. Install your update right. Use your brains and read the damn update notes.

Again...if you can read and talk in side chat...you are on wrong version of game.

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Was wondering why nobody was chatting anymore, guess that makes sense.

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If you have the right version...when these guys jump into the server you can read what they are saying but cant tell them anything lol. So they all sit there talking with each other going "This patch is fucked up! I don't see anyone or anything and its laggy"

I just want to scream out and tell them they are not updated right lol, but I cant.

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I forgot to update mine, the reason I noticed was a very faint warning in the middle of the screen, barely noticeable due to it being nearly 100% transparent that I have wrong version.

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7 people on the server I am in right now complaining right now, I hope one of them is smart enough to alt tab out and read the forums, or atleast the patch and beta notes. Then it is possible they might realize what is wrong.

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This wouldn't be happening if the people that hosts the servers fucking block so you need a certain patch!

Thats what I'm using atm and only the ones with newest patch are able to play.

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I have and side chat and everything is working ok so apparently my game loves me.

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Servers can only detect what Arma 2 patch you have and if you have 1.7.1 you can still play on a server that has which is the hotfix...so apparently half the players out there have not downloaded the hotfix.

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