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Bluntbanana (DayZ)

EMZA (Eat My Zombie Attack Squad)

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Eat my zombie attack squad


I'm starting up a Dayz Squad again

Were not going to be uber serious or nothing, I'd just like us to win most of the firefights!

This can also be practice for the standalone, which is due for testing very shortly, (February), So we have atleast a month or 2 to get some good practice in, and then jump into the standalone!

We'll have a system just so we know who makes the decisions in the group and it's not a great massive clusterf***, No rankings, bit stupid, just Founder>Leader>Member. Just so people don't end up splitting up and the group gets broken down, and also so the experienced guys get more of a say, as they know what they're doing.

It's not "orders" , I don't like being told what to do and I'm sure your the same, you get my drift.




Experienced members

Friendly group



Were too good

Website: www,ds-rp.net (We are a branch of the clan DS-RP)


Currently around 6 members, we're looking to close open joining at around 8/10 members and introduce a more rigorous application process

To join!

1) Visit www.ds-rp.net

2) Register

3) Apply on the website, application template:




Location: (As accurate as you care it to be, with Timezone)

Preferred map:

Activity: (Can you promise twice a week? an hour a day? as much info as you can here please)

Why do you want to join? (1 sentence)

We will accept applications here, but we will refer to the website after approval

Preferences are

to be 17+

to be able to be active within the GMT+0:00 Timezone (Peak times 5-11pm weekdays, 2-12 weekends)



4) Jump on the teamspeak and PM the admin, request EMZA membership

Any difficulties? Do not hesitate to ask for help, on the teamspeak listed, the website, or on this forum

Edited by Bluntbanana

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blunt u play cod? have a feeling i saw u there lol

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pc all the way dawg

360 cant even give hd resolution

Edited by h3retic

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You guys looking for a home server ? Give me a shout if you're we have several Day Z servers and Wasteland servers accross the globe. We can also host TS/Website content for free, give me a PM if you are interested.

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Please don't advertise your servers here, we are fine for servers

You guys looking for a home server ? Give me a shout if you're we have several Day Z servers and Wasteland servers accross the globe. We can also host TS/Website content for free, give me a PM if you are interested.

its like jesus we get it already right haha

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