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Supremus Conquestum: [OPEN RECRUITMENT]

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Supremus Conquestum

Supremus Conquestum is a new clan with a lot of potential. The clan currently has 15 members but only 7 of them are active, we are currently looking for active players to join the clan. The map we play on is Taviana, we are currently still looking for a home server. We are currently having problems with hackers joining the clan without us knowing so let me say this now, we do not allow hackers in Supremus Conquestum. Supremus Conquestum runs on a ranking system so what that means is when you receive orders from a higher ranking officer you will have to follow them so long as they make sense. We have no age limit as long as you follow orders and respect other members you will be fine. If your interested in joining Supremus Conquestum apply and then join us on team speak 3.


Cook: Is responsible for cooking and gathering all the food.

Medic: Is responsible for healing and gathering all the medical supplies.

Scavenger: You go in to hot zones and get supplies of any kind.

Mechanic: You are responsible for repairing all the vehicles and getting car parts.

Negotiator: You go out and talk to survivors that the clan runs into.

​Sniper: You provide over watch for the clan when they are doing missions or looting.

Planner: You help the officers plan missions keep track of supplies.




How go do you think you are on a scale of 1-5:

Join us on TEAM SPEAK3 after you apply:

Edited by EximiusMiles
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Hi, I'm quite new to the game. I know how to play quite in depth but I am not familiar with the maps well as of yet. I currently don't own a mic but plan to start using one soon. Based in UK, aged 24 casual gamer. I don't know how useful I can be but I have no problems with team work and tasks

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Age: 18

Country: US

I would rank myself around a 3. I understand a lot of the game and can handle myself well but i still have a lot to learn.

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Age: 17


I rate myself about a 3 i used to play this game 24/7 but i quit for about 2-3 months and am re learning all the good spots to gear up

Edited by killa171

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Country: Croatia

How go do you think you are on a scale of 1-5: 5, been playing since July last year

EDIT: your TS server seems to be down

Edited by Freddy120

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Our Teamspeak server is usually down in the mornings. Send thebeaver12321 a SKYPE request and Morriscode92 a STEAM request, we will talk later today.

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Age: 23

Country: UK

How go do you think you are on a scale of 1-5:

Pretty much just started out but currently learning all aspects ^.^

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Age: 16

Country: USA

i rate myself a 3-4 i ok but not amazing.

i also run a server myself

Edited by Smithguy125

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Age: 15

Country: USA

Rate: I give myself a 3. Only been playing a little over a month, so I know the controls and how the game goes. Just not too familiar with the whole map yet. (Haven't played Taviana) Have never had a group yet, been playing solo.

I can't come on teamspeak until later today, but looking forward to meeting a few new people.

Edit: Whens the best time to get on teamspeak overall for you guys?

Edited by xTylan

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Age: 14

Country: USA

5: I've been playing on off since December 2011

Edited by Raider55

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Raider and Tylan, if you have not been recruited yet, please join the Teamspeak Server, today or tomorrow at 5:00 EST, Also BUMP!

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