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despair (DayZ)

Playing with friends - How does it work?

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I am in the process of installing this game and am about to play it for the first time. I am wondering how does playing with friends work? Are we able to spawn beside each other when we join the same server? Or do we have to find each other? If it's the latter, wouldn't that be difficult because the map is extremely big? (not to mention we're new to the game so we don't know the map)

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I don't advise it but I have friends that use maps on the internets, then they tab out whenever they need to look at it.

Another friendly tip, keep an eye on the roads/railroads as you go into the mainland.

If you run into a railroad first, before the road, you are most likely on the South coast.

If you run into a road first, you are most likely on the east coast.

Once you figure out where you are, try heading SW until you hit a town. Then you can match the name with the place on the map along with your friends. Once you know your location you can plan a meeting place!

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When you spawn in your location should show up in the bottom right corner. If you can both manage to spawn in a similar area it's pretty easy to meet up.

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Yeah I always have a Map open on my 2nd monitor, once you start to learn the map, it's easier to get to where you are going quickly and find them

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You're probably going to spawn far away from each other, and get lost easily. If possible, try to keep a paved road in sight as you travel. There are two kinds of helpful roadsigns; white ones that say the name of the town you're entering/leaving, and blue ones that say how far you are from other towns. All paved roads will get to a town eventually. If you get lost and don't have a paved road handy, generally following a dirt road downhill will take you to a paved road.

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Step 1 ignore most of the people on this forum, you're new, so they already hate you, and will continue to unless you can somehow prove you are as 'hardcore' as they think they are.

Step 2 get on vent/teamspeak with your friends, this is required because talking to your friends in a way that only they can hear you is (somehow) realistic, but "using telekinesis to talk to everyone on the server" is not.

Step 3 Go look up the multitude of maps on the net that have much more useful information on them than the map in game and either Alt-tab to see it, or set it up on a second monitor, then use that to find the best places to get the inferior in game map, cause you don't start with one.

Step 4 When you start playing both of you watch the bottom right of your screen, middle line is your position, if you really don't want to waste time one of you needs to keep dying until you spawn near each other. OH and don't stand around too long, there's nothing keeping bandits from watching the mystical rebirth portals that are scattered along the coast... cause that's how it would work in a real zombie apocalypse.

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