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Change effect of Q & E buttons when standing and crouching

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Because personally, we can do more then just lean to the left or right, and whilst in an Army Simulation, this works well as the focus is on your character being armed and killing the enemy with extreme prejudice (As you would be in an army sim.)

But for a Zombie Apocolype Simulatior, It just doesn't feel right to me. I think it's because the emphasis of the game, with the removal of the starting pistol, has realigned the core dynamic from being an offensive gameplay experience, to being a defensive one, as your basic goal is trying to survive, not trying to kill every other player. So having the lean left or right doesn't really make much sense, hence why people are trying to use it as quick communication, because it takes too much time to type "Friendly?" Before getting shot in the face.

With that in mind i would like to see the Q & E buttons to do a more "Active" action. I want them to be more useful, like the Action Roll, the action roll is amazingly useful. Because it's like a quick dodge, limited only by the players reaction time and it moves your player mesh. Why can't you do something similar when crouching or standing? Instead on leaning, which doesn't move your mesh at all.

So the idea goes like this:

Possibly for a standing character Q & E are now a quick sidestep & turn to to face the direction of that side (90 or 45 degress either way, not sure, just an idea). Whilst the crouch Q & E buttons could be a quick commando roll either side, ending in the character back in crouch position. Heck maybe even have this as a quick esc from inventory.

So when i see a bullet land near me when I'm looting someone, I can cut and run as soon as I react to that bullet landing near me (Or in some cases, in me) as would be the real life situation

Currently, that situation plays out like this: I start looting, shot lands near me, I press g, wait for the inventory screen to disappear, then my character "Rearms himself", Then my character stands. and THEN I get proper control, all the while the person shooting at me is just unloading round after round into my head while my character stares at a box for x amount of seconds.

I also feel it would make some of the standoffs more exciting then just two players being static unloading into each others face until one dies. Remapping the keys to act more as a dodge would add a bit of variation, so the players are ducking and weaving around a room trying to get a bead on each other instead of just playing rockem sockem robots with projectiles for a few seconds.

That's pretty much the long and short of my idea. Open to suggestions and input though. Cheers for reading lads and ladies.

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'quick sidestep and turn'

so like, if you pressed a direction and moved you mouse some?

we should remove leaning, which is vital on non-3rd servers, so you don't have to coordinate your left and right hands?

as for ducking and weaving, you can do all that now

I will note that, of 46 kills and 13 deaths in PvP, I have only twice been within 50m of my opponent

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The quick sidestep and turn was more of a single flow action, pressing Q would have the action going to the left, so it would go from facing foreward, step to the left, then turn so your facing the left, pressing E would have the same action, but it's reversed on the right hand side.

I more wanted to get across that I'd like to see those buttons be to have a more active effect. My suggestions to what they would do probably need alot of work, which is why I posted it here. To get thoughts and develop it.

I personally didn't realise leaning was so vital to First person servers. I've been on a few and it seems the use of it is fairly negligable. With it being used mostly when someone blunders into a room containing another player and spams QEQEQEQ so the other player knows that they are friendly. But that's from my experience in game, yours is obviously different.

And I know you can duck and weave currently, along with all of the other actions, I do play the game too. I just don't see leaning left and right as being in the standard set of moves for a Zombie Apocalypse Simulator, In a SHOOTER yes. But This is Day Z, Not ARMA II, it does have shooter elements as they are some of the main features of the game engine, but thats not the core concept of the game. The idea is survival, so being reactive, it's just not that at the moment because the biggest threat in the game is Players, not the environment.

Or maybe just have these keymapping changes when you holster your weapon so it only kicks in when you are unarmed. That way you get to keep all the fun aspects of both worlds. Meaning variety of control, when means a fuller environment, which means a better play experience no matter what the style.

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Don't forget this simulation has tapped into TrackIR which takes full advantage of leaning with precision, removing it would anger a lot of gamers who spent their money well.

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Don't forget this simulation has tapped into TrackIR which takes full advantage of leaning with precision' date=' removing it would anger a lot of gamers who spent their money well.


That I wouldn't have known. And is quite awesome. And a valid reason to not Change those key bindings. Even if the player is unarmed. I just found the functionality of those buttons to be a bit lacking in my experience and wondered if there could be a viable alternative, not just locking the control scheme to the strict fps predetermined standard that is prevalent with a lot of games today.

But trackingir is an amazing way to use it. I just need to get the peripheral.

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