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=ShoX=Team-AfterShocks Gaming Community(Recruiting) 18+

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Great gun fight last night at stary with the German clan

Edited by MogZ3

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Hello peps ,yes that right we are still here recruiting mature and fun people.

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Although im 17 years old (almost 18) id love to join.

i think ill visit the server when i have my video card back. (worst thing for a gamer.. the fan stopped working)

ill see you guys around probably, and i might fill in an apllication.



Edited by Giomanach

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Come take a look and see want you think Giomanach ,your age is close enough for me mate your more than welcome .

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We have an 18+ policy in the community but mature 17 yrs old shouldnt really be a problem .

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So how many people do you run per group? Per Ts, vent, mumble channel? I am American but my ping on Euro servers is never too horrible, around 100-150. someone from your group replied to my post about LFG. I really stress not wanting a large community that just plays together but one that doesn't mind breaking into smaller groups and not having a large ts channel spammed with cross chatter.

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we have a small group about 15 who do play, but only about 3-5 come on and play so it is a small section of our community.

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The website host was having problems last night ,it seem to be back to normal now so if you try again it should be ok. ;) ,if not tell me and i will sort you out another way.

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Still looking for fun and mature people.

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Any problems with the website , or anything else , just let us know and we will do our best to help you .

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We are a small group recruiting for DayZ. B)

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