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Dangerous Game that adds to the Chaos :P

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I believe I've heard this before, but it would just make this a super game. Not to say that is not allready there, but if there is actual bears and mountain lions in the game like in sertain parts in the deep woods to keep people on their toes lol it would be sick.

Even crazier would be to make some infected, but even crazier :) it would be to have a broken down Zoo in the map to be part near a main city like Cherno or Electro, so there would be some dangerous animals in that area like GORILLAS mahahahaha oh and maybe some infected Chimps or smaller litte monkeys that would be a challenge to actually get a clear shot. Now that would be the shit and even come at you in a pack. Wolves maybe Or shit some horses or even ponies lol infected XP. Lions anyone?


I mean if there is like a complete Zoo with dangerous animals. Not to leave out the Elephants, Hippos and the reptiles like Anacondas, Aligators and comodo dragons. DOn't forget the bitds.. Eagles, Deadly Ravens, Condors those look nasty, how about Ostres? You name it, this would be just ultra sick.

Anothere thing that is just cool would be to be able to choose what animal you eat. There the options. So if you eat infected meat yuo pretty much would be Fu@ked. All the noob deaths just pilling up, but something good to learn to add to the old experience belt. But if the animal doesnt show any sign of infection lets say, that would be good to eat. Now that would be some rare meat eating. I hear Bold Eagle tastes like freedom



Also could collect the fur of thee fallen animal and trade to specialty players that can make stuff with it for guns and ammo or some other goods. Kinda like people actually do in Alaska for survible.


I got a few more, but would love to see some more insanity from other playas to show here on this post.

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not totally agree but part of it , i count the devTeam will take what they need from here :)

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Man that would be grand. I love this game! I haven't touch the xbot in months now. It would be cool to see a wild and dangerous cherno. man. This could bring more players together and fight to survive.

If you need more ideas I'm the dude you need. I have experience man

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