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"battlEye failed to initialize" error message

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BEFORE everyone replies saying search it, this has already been answered and all that shit I HAVE; but nothing seems to be working for me.

as the topic title says.

I've tried manually updating the files 3/4 times, this didnt work, i then read somewhere that i had to change the CLIENT file to read only... didnt work

I've uninstalled DayZCommander 3/4 times, didnt work.

I've uninstalled ArmA: OA and reinstalled, ran it once (for the CD key) BattlEye still fails.

I've tried launching VIA playwithsix, this also didnt work (however i would still like to use DayZCommander, i just prefer the interface)

any help would be much appreciated!

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I'm not sure what to suggest if you've tried all of those steps TBH. I had a similar issue once and I'm desperatly trying to remember the fix I used.

I think I had to start up DayZcommander and change one of the settings. The problem I had was that DayZ Commander was rolling back my BE version on startup so even if I manually updated as soon as I started Commander it would roll back to a previous version.

The solution was to change the settings, then manually update and then start Commander again. I'll have a look now and see if I can find the setting.

Edit - I've had a look and can't find the option, it was a long time ago and things may have changed. The only other thing I can think of is to check your Arma installation file structure and double check that when you manually update BE it's placing the new files in the right folder.

Other than that I really am stumped :/

Edited by Fraggle

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I'm not sure what to suggest if you've tried all of those steps TBH. I had a similar issue once and I'm desperatly trying to remember the fix I used.

I think I had to start up DayZcommander and change one of the settings. The problem I had was that DayZ Commander was rolling back my BE version on startup so even if I manually updated as soon as I started Commander it would roll back to a previous version.

The solution was to change the settings, then manually update and then start Commander again. I'll have a look now and see if I can find the setting.

thanks man, I'll have a little fiddle with some settings too. Never occured to me that Commander could be rolling back the updates. Lemme know if you find anything promising :)

EDIT: bit of a bummer really :| I'm sure i've been replacing the files in the correct place. any chance theres a firewall potentially stopping BattlEye from starting?

Edited by Pro_Sneak

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Regarding your firewall I guess it's worth a look. I'm honestly not sure on the finer details of how it works but it's worth a go.

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Regarding your firewall I guess it's worth a look. I'm honestly not sure on the finer details of how it works but it's worth a go.

apparently my firewall isn't active. I'm totally stumped, I've checked commander forums, battlEye FAQ's and nothing seems to do the trick. I'm really at a loss here. I bought ArmA specifally for DayZ and only managed to get 2 weeks worth of play out of it :L

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Ok, try this. Make sure the new BE files you downlaod to update it are placed in the "ARMA2 > BATTLEYE" folder AND the "ARMA2 Operation Arrowhead > Expansion > Battleye" folder. I think when you update it manually the same new file has to be placed in both of those folders. Worth checking.

Edit, Also check your anti-virus software isn't stopping it. Are you using Avira by any chance?

Edited by Fraggle

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Ok, try this. Make sure the new BE files you downlaod to update it are placed in the "ARMA2 > BATTLEYE" folder AND the "ARMA2 Operation Arrowhead > Expansion > Battleye" folder. I think when you update it manually the same new file has to be placed in both of those folders. Worth checking.

Edit, Also check your anti-virus software isn't stopping it. Are you using Avira by any chance?

Shall I also change both CLIENT's to read only?

and do i drag/drop the first one, then copy and past into the other file? or download again and drag/drop into the other file?

EDIT: Nope, i'm not using Avira. AVG but I did trial Ad-aware a couple hours before the problem occured, but I could still join servers no problem with it installed.

Edited by Pro_Sneak

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You can just copy and paste, as long as it's the same file it should be ok. Not sure about the read only thing TBH.

Also, read this first, it's a fix I found that was posted a few days ago:

"Ok i managed to update it somehow, here is what i did. Hope it works for you to, so first navigate through your arma 2 folders to find battleye uninstall program, uninstall it, and then go to dayzcommander, and reinstal the latest patches for both arma 2 and dayz. Now go into the game, try to join a random server, and when it says updating exit the lobby (before update succesful), and then rejoin again. It said updating, then updating succesful and finnaly initializing battleye 1.186 "

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You can just copy and paste, as long as it's the same file it should be ok. Not sure about the read only thing TBH.

Also, read this first, it's a fix I found that was posted a few days ago:

"Ok i managed to update it somehow, here is what i did. Hope it works for you to, so first navigate through your arma 2 folders to find battleye uninstall program, uninstall it, and then go to dayzcommander, and reinstal the latest patches for both arma 2 and dayz. Now go into the game, try to join a random server, and when it says updating exit the lobby (before update succesful), and then rejoin again. It said updating, then updating succesful and finnaly initializing battleye 1.186 "

unfortunately the error message occurs straight after the DayZ loading screen before I reach a lobby. However when the message does occur it also says "waiting for host..." in the background

I dont know if this is relevant but when I reinstalled the ArmA 2 patch I realised there seems to be some kind of error hidden in the background


I've circled it in red :)

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WTF, never seen that before. I gotta go soon but I'm gonna try and summon some help for you by a couple of dudes that are more clued up than me. Hold tight.

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WTF, never seen that before. I gotta go soon but I'm gonna try and summon some help for you by a couple of dudes that are more clued up than me. Hold tight.

Thanks for your help though man, you have my beans :)

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No probs. I've PM'd a guy called Amber Helios, he's more knowledgable than me with this sort of thing so it's worth a shot. He's offline now but he's around a lot so you shouldn't have to wait too long :). If he doesn;t come back on tonight he should be around tomorrow, I've given him the link to your thread, good luck!

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No probs. I've PM'd a guy called Amber Helios, he's more knowledgable than me with this sort of thing so it's worth a shot. He's offline now but he's around a lot so you shouldn't have to wait too long :). If he doesn;t come back on tonight he should be around tomorrow, I've given him the link to your thread, good luck!

Haha well hopefully if he see's this, I've gone to bed :) but I'll be on again no doubt tomorrow to try and solve it. He can always PM me too if needs be :)

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