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looking for players for [FEAR] clan

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we have a group of three very experenced players and were looking for more of these we have our own private dayz server with all current maps soon to have a teamspeak server for fear clan.

the clan mostly pvp's in large servers and sometimes in the private server. the clan also plays battlefield3 grand theft auto4 minecraft planetside and many more my skype is fearsomeharbor6

or taylor winslow [wichever works] i am almost always online and so are the rest of us.

to get into the group you must list your requriments below in the comments....

skill from 1 to 10


piloting skills from 1 to 10

knowledge of the game from 1 to 10

in game name

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skill from 1 to 10- 7-8 not that good but I know what im doing

age15 almost 16

piloting skills from 1 to 10 - 10 im good at flying helicopters but not planes but I dought that you would find a plane in day z

knowledge of the game from 1 to 10 - 8 I know where most places are I know where to get loot from and I know how to survive

in game name: Axeboy112 if your interested you can get my Skype which is Axeboy112 aswell I love that name xD I hope I get a reply thanks.

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