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Recruiting for The Electric Company Team

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Hi All,

I'm Glen. One of the members of Electric Company (EC).

We are a new group of players that enjoy playing DayZ and Wasteland daily.

This team isn't for babies. If you're going to cry when you die, then don't bother applying.

We come from many parts of the world like the US and UK.

We currently play on a well populated server where we have established many bases and are well regarded and feared by the rest of the players.

We enjoy raiding towns and bandit camps and we aren't afraid to stick our necks out to get the mission done.

Some members already are from a military background and will teach you how to work in a squad efficiently and how to communicate correctly.

We have our own Teamspeak server that we always use to communicate.

Teamspeak and a High Quality Microphone are essential.

Non-fluent English speakers, need not apply.

Below is a short application form that you must fill out and post in the comments below. A member of EC will then approve or deny your application and send you a message instructing you on the next steps.

Real Life First Name:

DayZ Name:




What are your skills in DayZ?:

How long have you been playing?:

Do you have a good knowledge of Chernarus?:

How often will you be able to play?

Once reviewed a member of EC will get in contact with you, so keep checking back.


EC Member

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Real Life First Name: Victor

DayZ Name: Killintimetodie


Location: US

Age: 23

What are your skills in DayZ?:Killing?

How long have you been playing?:Been watching streams for months.. just built a comp for Dayz. Been playing for like a week

Do you have a good knowledge of Chernarus?: Hardly

How often will you be able to play? Nightly.

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