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[EC] clan is recruiting!

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We are a fresh, new clan in Chernarus looking to expand. We are known as the Electric Company. We play in a private server that requires you to be whitelisted. It is pretty well popped 30-40 people every night.

We are mostly from the states but also are open to recruiting people from other countries as one leader is from Europe.

We are a friendly clan to most, bandits are considered kos, we go on city and heli crash raids, we maintain multiple vehicles, ground and air, and raid other camps we spot on the map.

Please post here or take a look at our forums for insight!





In-game role:(medic, sniper, recon, assault, support, pilot, etc.)

Active times:

How long you have been playing:

Other services you can offer:

What would make you stand out from others?

If you are accepted we will inbox you the teamspeak info

Edited by burningxdemise

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Name: Brandon

Age: 14

Location: New York

In-game role:(medic, sniper, recon, assault, support, pilot, etc.): Medic

Active times: Pretty much any time on the weekends

How long you have been playing: 6 months on and off

Other services you can offer: I can be a good look-out.

What would make you stand out from others? I can get supplies quickly and I like to have fun and meet new people.

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