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[UK] Private Hive - Chernarus | Veteran, GMT-6, 200+ Vehicles, Custom Loot/Vehicles, Active Admins, Backups and Anti-Cheat

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I would write a lengthy paragraph about our server but you probably don't want to read that so I'll just say; this is a new server for those looking for a mature place to play free from cheaters.

Any info you could possibly want about the server you'll find below.


Teamspeak: TwistedsTS.uk.to

Current Map: Chernarus (Started 20th January)

Server Settings: Private Hive, Veteran, GMT-4, 3rd Person, Crosshairs, Death Messages, Automatic Restart Every 6 Hours

Server Info: UK, 50 Slots, 99% Uptime

Anti-Cheat: BattlEye, Gotcha Anti-Hack, Regular 30 Minute Backups, Active Admins

Other Info: 200 Vehicles, 10 Helicopters, 2 Planes, Custom Vehicle Spawns, Custom Loot, More Heli Crashes, More Care Packages, More Wrecks

Starting Gear: Starting_Gear.png

Server Rules

1. No Cheats, Hacks or Scripts [ban]

2. No Combat Logging (Logging Out During Combat) [ban]

3. No Vehicle Hoarding (2 Vehicles Per Person Max) [Warning]

4. Don't Use Voice In Side Chat [Warning]

Edited by Twisted6

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