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OFC Network Private hive DayZ Server l Active admins l Looking for players l Donations for hosting l Donator rewards l Webpage Forums l Needs players

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OFC-Network Private Hive-www.ofc-network.hostei.com

OFC-Network was created by myself (Charlie)A few weeks ago and has become a big project for me, however, it has come to my attention that we do not have many active players, we need more and would be happy to accept anybody.

Fundings and donating -

The server has increasing demand within our community, the server is going to have to be running 24/7, which is impossible with our current hosting method. This therefore means we must have it hosted by an online company. To do this we need money which i currently do not have, on average we will need to raise £36 a month, which i cannot do myself, and i need your help. Donators will receive special privileges , which include :

  • A custom skin of your choice
  • A weapon of your choice
  • A Vehicle of your choice
  • A few admin privileges

How to play:

To begin playing with us on the server, you must first register at our website ; www.ofc-network.hostei.com, at which point you will be shown the password for the server. Once you have the password, launch DayZ, and Enter into the ArmA:II OA multiplayer filter - OFC.

Thank you and we hope to see you round sometime :)


Edited by Charliew

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