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okay to start off my suggestion is more of a rant. I have to start work soon and mainly ill have to play this mod later in the evening or at night which is perfectly fine and i think the mod is amazing but i have one complaint and that is night time. Once night falls on this game i swear it is like i just turned my screen off and im trying to guess where zombies are. Yes i understand that it is supposed to be realistic and it is meant to scare you because of the zombies but what if i just downloaded this mod and tried to play it late at night for the first time? My reaction would be what a waste of time the game is pitch black how am i supposed to see anything? :@ So i think that the night should be fixed a little and i think realistically your eyes would adjust to the darkness someone i do not think the character should be the same color black as everything else. I can be standing in a town and it looks like an endless pit. Not only that when i die i have to completely restart (again which is fine thats the game and thats what keeps me coming back) but what do i do? i start with no flash light, no flares, i start out with a bandage and pain pills... WHOOOO OFF INTO THE DARKNESS I GO WITH A BANDAGE AND PILLS HERE!!!...Maybe im crazy but i think this should be fixed. Sorry for complaining


btw leave comments about what you guys think... Am i crazy or should the blind darkness stay? maybe start with a flash light atleast? well idk please anyone leave your comments and tell me what you think

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well my apologies for Re posting this already known error. Maybe we can get some new ideas :)

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