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FPS Issues

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What you don't understand is, I can run the game *perfectly fine*, I almost get 100 fps on all low settings. It's some weird bug that when more people join, I lag

well it could be a bug. However think about this (as this happens in games). Think about it this way. When you go outside in RL and you look at a empty parking lot your eyes and brain process the empty. Now lets fill it with 10 cars that have 4 people each. Now your brain and eyes have to process 40 people and 10 cars plus thier movement. So you have to process more. That is what the game is doing. I myself say on lingor can be around no one and look into a feild and have 100 FPS but I go to a town and zombies and ppl are there I drop down to 30 but I am processing WAY more as the loot in the buildings you dont see, all the buildings, terran, people everything not counting what is in the distance now more people are added it puts more strain on the server (which can be part of the issue btw have you checked different servers not just one other but multiples) and more stuff to process even if they have the same skin its still calculates thier movements.

hope this look gives you a better understanding of what might be happening.

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Shouldn't really have more than 1 thread per core, 2 threads is more than enough as most programs aren't even multithreaded anyway so demand single core performance more than multicore.

Edited by disorder

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