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looking for some players to start a youtube series /Group

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Hi my name is Connor i am 20. I am looking for some people to play with as its very boring on your own and i dont know many people who play it, I been playing dayz for a while now and enjoy it alot and i know my way around, I am a call of duty player but i dont play it that much anymore because i dont really like black ops 2 so i started to play dayz, LOL and other pc games, I do alot of youtube videos and i want to start doing alot of other game like dayz so i can upload more, Just need some people to play with so if u like add me steam - yesJoKeR

My youtube channels that it will be going on - http://www.youtube.com/user/DeadlyDayers http://www.youtube.com/user/JoKaTheRusher

also my twitter if u want to play - https://twitter.com/JoKaBoii

Edited by JoKaBoii
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Hey man, My name is dylan, i am 17 years old. if you need someone to play dayz, LoL or any other games like such and i have em i would be happy to play em with you. I need someone to play with.

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Hey man, My name is dylan, i am 17 years old. if you need someone to play dayz, LoL or any other games like such and i have em i would be happy to play em with you. I need someone to play with.

do u have a mic for TeamSpeak and add me on steam - yesjoker

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Hey, I am 17 and my name is Tynon. Would be very interested in some DayZ action. :) I have a mic and Skype, can download TeamSpeak if that would be preferred?

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Hey man im 16 pretty new in dayz but i learn fast. i am looking for some people play with. I also got a channel and am hopping to play with other youtubers like frankie and jack. i got skype and steam and ts

Steam: Lazyfancypants

Skype: forgot will get back at you

Youtube: youtube.com/lazyfancypants

Edited by romanownz

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Hey, I am 17 and my name is Tynon. Would be very interested in some DayZ action. :) I have a mic and Skype, can download TeamSpeak if that would be preferred?

i dont mind can use skype my skype is conwaboii

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Hey man im 16 pretty new in dayz but i learn fast. i am looking for some people play with. I also got a channel and am hopping to play with other youtubers like frankie and jack. i got skype and steam and ts

Steam: Lazyfancypants

Skype: forgot will get back at you

Youtube: youtube.com/lazyfancypants

yh i got another player going to be doing the same with me aswell add me on skype - conwaboii

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The Brotherhood is Recruiting at ts55.gameservers.com:9231

Ask for anyone below if your interested in joining:

Lone Wolf

Joshua Pendley

Very small Rocks



*** We do need someone who records a lot in game!***

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The Brotherhood is Recruiting at ts55.gameservers.com:9231

Ask for anyone below if your interested in joining:

Lone Wolf

Joshua Pendley

Very small Rocks



*** We do need someone who records a lot in game!***

what do i have to go to the website

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Hi Connor!

Old Guys Gaming will be opening a section for DayZ Standalone, in the meanwhile I'm pretty much playing alone too.

If you're interested, you can always join our Teamspeak (info @ oldguys.eu frontpage) and poke me to play a game.

If anyone else is interested, 18+ and not a screaming kid, you're welcome too.

Just poke me (Shadowfox) and I'll drag you to a channel so we can play DayZ in peace and quiet.

In case it makes a difference for you;

I can record too (a 2player POV can always come in handy?)

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Hey man, I'm interested. Only problem is that I'm a bit younger (just turned 15) but I'm more mature than most 18 year olds I see. And I don't have a 11 year old voice. If you could give me a chance, that would be great!

EDIT: If this helps with my application at all, I can record. I use Fraps and get around 30 fps on high settings in DayZ.

Edited by Troubledgoose

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Hey man, id love to help you out, i also do DayZ Commentaries, haven't started though but id love to try and do it with you!

See You soon and would love a response :D

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