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[SD] Recruitment Thread

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What is "Silenced"?: Silenced is a brand new dayz clan looking for new experienced players. Silenced is an organization that moves together and never lets our guard down. We are a team that communicates through skype and teamspeak. We are based out of the USA and are mainly accepting members who qualify (see the qualifications below). Silenced uses a ranking system (Ex: I am squad leader). Lastly, we always treat "bambis" we see on the battlefield as threats and if necessary, gun them down with our suppressed weapons.

Are you interested? (Qualifications): Our requirements for the group are the following. You must have a working microphone, skype and teamspeak 3. In addition to this you need to speak English fluently and be willing to help other members in the squad. Also you must be willing to cooperate with others in emergency situations, know how to communicate well in a group, and respect the squad leaders. Lastly, you must be over the age of 14 and have played dayz for more than 2 weeks.

How will I know if I was chosen?: We will send a message to the account you comment with below.

Fill out the form below and enter it into the comment section

Dayz Name:

How long have you played dayz:

Time Zone:

Will you stay loyal to the group?:

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping)



1) Never betray one of your own, If you do we will hunt you down and kill you on sight.

2) Do not combat log

3) You must drop your weapon when you meet with us. We will give it to you later when we give you the rest of your gear.

Other details will be explained later when we talk.

Teamspeak Ip (feel free to join if you are a member or not): silenced.selfip.net (NOT UP 24/7)


Website: Silenced-clan.com

Current Members:

[sD] lamabama (Clan Leader)

[sD] misterjangles (Clan Leader)

[sD] John

[sD] Kuhzuko

[sD] Dec

[sD] Variable

We are looking forward to seeing your comment below =)

- [sD] Lamabama

Edited by lamabama

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Dayz Name: RedBanana

How long have you played dayz: 8months

Time Zone: GMT

Will you stay loyal to the group?:yes, if it is the right group

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping):Planning


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Dayz Name: RedBanana

How long have you played dayz: 8months

Time Zone: GMT

Will you stay loyal to the group?:yes, if it is the right group

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping):Planning


I sent you a message to your account. Thanks for applying.

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Dayz Name: Symbollic

How long have you played dayz: Few months (Estimate: 4+ months)

Time Zone: GMT -5:00 (East Coast of USA)

Will you stay loyal to the group?: Yes.

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping): Sniping

Age: 17

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Dayz Name: Kuhzuko

How long have you played dayz: Roughly 6 Months

Time Zone: GMT London

Will you stay loyal to the group?: Yes

What are you best at in dayz? Sniper for sure

Age: 16

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Dayz name: Glareyy

Played for 7 months

I live in australia

I will defintely stay loyal

Age: 16

Id like to be a person who retrives equipment for others, basically a person that helps other in need.

I have a working mic also steam, skype and TS3

Hope to see a reply :)

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Dayz Name: About 40 Ninjas

How long have you played dayz: Since July 2012

Time Zone: Mountain Standard

Will you stay loyal to the group?: Yes

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping): Stalking, Spotting, Scouting

Age: 17

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Dayz Name: [EW] John

How long have you played dayz: Around 10 months

Time Zone: GMT

Will you stay loyal to the group?:If it is the right group for me 100% loyal

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping) Sniping, Planning and Spotting


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Dayz Name: Variable

How long have you played dayz: Since its been released, not even gonna try to guess how long.

Time Zone: EST U.S.

Will you stay loyal to the group?: I'm a very loyal person.

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping) Planning and Sniping are my strong points but im decent at almost anything you can throw at me.

Age: 18

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Dayz Name: Mr.Mahoosive

How long have you played dayz: 8months

Time Zone: GMT 0

Will you stay loyal to the group?: Providing it's good.

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping) Sniping/Stealth/Planning.


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Dayz Name: Reliquent

How long have you played dayz: Over four months

Time Zone: CST U.S

Will you stay loyal to the group?: Of course.

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping) Just following orders pretty much. I can snipe, spot, be bait, gather supplies, be the pack mule, etc.

Age: 18

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Dayz Name: Tristan

How long have you played dayz: 5-6 months

Time Zone: EST

Will you stay loyal to the group?: very loyal

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping) everything i consider myself a very experienced dayz players

Age: 16

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Dayz Name: Brian

How long have you played dayz: 7months

Time Zone: CST

Will you stay loyal to the group?:yes

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping): Well Rounded, pretty good pilot too

Age: 24

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Dayz Name: GhostWatcher

How long have you played dayz: 6 months or so now

Time Zone: -7

Will you stay loyal to the group?: Of Course

What are you best at in dayz? (ie: healing, planning, sniping) Sniping,Hatcheting


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