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carbine781 (DayZ)

The Craziest Night Of Elektro I Have Ever Been In

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Ok. Here is my story of the craziest night of Elektro I have ever been in. I mean crazy. Even though it wasn't night time on the server, it was ~10pm were I was living. This post is LONG, but I believe its worth reading.

There were 50 people on the server. At the time, there were about 50 dead bodies in Elektro, and all you heard in there was gunfire. I had just spawned in Elektro, and I would just go in there and pretty much get shot. This happened about 3 times. I finally respawned. When I was near the church, I heard a bunch of people talking. They saw me, and they were all friendly. There were 7 people there, who had all met up in Elektro. They didn't know eachother, but since they were friendly, they had all teamed up. They were trying to get a Sniper on the hill. Some had ghillie suits and high grade military rifles, some were like me, almost or completely weaponless.

We decided to go to the power plant firestation. On our way there, we met another bambie, and I found an AKS-74U off a dead body, who was probably killed by the sniper too. We are in the firestation, at this time, with 9 people in our squad. We decide to just charge up the hill, because we realize the sniper can't take ALL of us at once. So, we do while screaming crazy battle calls into the mic. We get to the top of the hill, and we can't find anybody. Then, i get off the computer quickly to get my external hard drive to record on.

When I get back, i can't find them. I have no idea how I lost them that quickly. I was pissed, but then I heard gunshots coming from the East side of the hill. So i went up the hill, and I turn to my left and I see a guy prone behind a tree with camo clothing... the sniper. I shoot him about 5 times, and he dropped dead. He didn't even notice me there. We successfully killed him.

He had an AS50, Rangefinder, NVG, all this stuff. Before I looted him, I saw the squad, announced that I killed the sniper, and they all congratulated me on my brand new AS50. The MOMENT We are done looting him... the server restarts... causing my character to rollback so I just have my AKS-74U, no AS50. Then, a hacker teleports to us and kills us all.

But thats only 1/2 of my night.

I respawn east of Elektro, in the little industrial part. I see a helicopter, that only needs some fuel to fly, so i set search for a jerry can. I was pretty tired at the time, so I was just planning on crash landing it into Elektro and calling it a night. I finally find one in Elektro... but then i hear helicopter sounds. I look up, and sure enough, there it is. And then i hear it crash... the son of a b*tch did the exact same thing I was planning on doing.

So I'm pretty annoyed, as this isn't the first time a helicopter has been "robbed" from me because I couldn't find a jerry can (I'll post the other story soon). I go back to the firestation in the powerplant. Of course, I see the crashed helicopter >:( . I enter the forestation, and what do I know? ANOTHER 8 person squad, and NOBODY in the new squad actually was in the last squad.

We go to the church, because one of the guys in the squad has a friend there. There are a load of dead bodies there, and the guy says that they all have weapons on them. Unfortunately, I'm only able to scrape off a makarov. We close the church doors, because a bandit is outside shooting at us with a silenced m4a1. We finally decide to just run out, because we can't stay in the church forever.

We run out. I run out to the left of the building infront of the church. I Peak around the corner, and I see the 2 bandits shooting at us next to the pub. I kill one of them, but the other guy sees me. He's only able to shoot me once, and I get away. Me and the rest of the squad go to the hospital and go prone on the roof. We are just camping up there, and a guy in the mic says he is coming up and that he is friendly. When he came up, I noticed that he had an m4a1 cco silenced, and I'm very suspicious about this guy.

We are all up there for awhile, I also notice that the guy doesn't go prone like the rest of us (we were prone so the guy who wasn't on the top of the hospital couldn't shoot us). Sure enough, as I expected, it turns out he was the guy shooting at us earlier, and he killed all of us. As I witnessed in horror the massacre of the squad, I tried to kill him, but my makarov wasn't powerful enough.

I respawned in Elektro. All of a sudden, unlike earlier, I didn't hear any gunfire, and everything was quiet. I looted the first bandit (the one I killed). To this day, I still have his M4A1 CCO SD, Ghillie Suit, Rangefinders, and Night Vision Goggles.

I have most of that night on footage, but since my mic is horrible, you hear an annoying sound throughout the entire thing. I may edit it and post it on YouTube if enough people want to see it. As for the first squad, I don't know what happened to them. The 2nd squad, I am friends with on skype, but I rarely talk to them. Now that I look back on that night, I wish I still had the loot from that sniper, but the loot I have now is still amazing.

That was my night. Have you ever had anything this crazy? Tell me below.

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