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{NSG} Enigma

NextStepGaming {NSG} Recruiting

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We are a clan relatively new to DayZ and we are looking to recruit. We also just started are own server. We are looking for experienced mature gamers. To join please fill out the following application.




Ingame name:

How long have you been playing DayZ:

Preferred play style: (Optional)

Preferred gun/vehicle: (Optional)

Skype: (TeamSpeak server will be put up soon)

Post your response or pm me on the forums. If not contact me through Skype at dustyn.games

If you want to join the server the name is NextStepGaming(NSG).

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Name: Jack

Age: 19

Timezone: GMT

Ingame name: Jack

How long have you been playing DayZ: 2 weeks

Preferred play style: Survivor/Scavenger/Team Support Player

Preferred gun/vehicle: Sniper/Silent weapons

Skype: I'm not gonna broadcast my skype on the forums but I will PM you it if required it :)

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Well this makes since now doesnt it. Maybe Ill get the chance to snipe you again ;)

- Col. Tom

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Age: 13 ( My voice started breaking at 11, so its not high, and Im not like the other annoiying pricks who are 13 you find playing this game)


Ingame name:Eathan (can be changed if need be)

How long have you been playing DayZ: about 6 months playing time spaced over a year

Preferred play style: (Optional) Friendly (When playing by myself on Taviana, if I find a bus I go round giving blood bags or morphine etc. Not Scared to YOLO it sometimes (I hate saying that though) Scavenger, driver.

Preferred gun/vehicle: (Optional) G36 C (Namalsk) / SUV, ATV or C130 J, Osprey, any Heli.

Skype: (TeamSpeak server will be put up soon) maynardgums

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Whats your beef with us anyways?

I have none :) I just saw a sniper on NWAF (Derping through a field). So I followed him back to his camp to teach him a lesson about being more stealthy. Just happened to be you Engima ;)

You guys are always welcome on 174 and if you would like access to SG's whitelist server I can work that out for you as well.


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Name: Simon

Age: 19

Timezone: GMT +1.00 (Copenhagen)

Ingame name: Thetamsen

How long have you been playing DayZ: I started playing DayZ in May 2012, but my group disbanded at some point in the summer (Late august/early september), where I had quit playing ever since. I just found my interest in the game again, as there aren't as many hackers as there used to be.

Preferred play style: (Optional) I like surviving, but no playing without banditry (I don't shoot on strangers without permission unless I deem it a necessity)

Preferred gun/vehicle: (Optional) Preferred full-automatic must be the M4A1 CCO SD, while my preferred ranged weapon would be the M14 AIM (Non-scoped DMR, basically)

Skype: (TeamSpeak server will be put up soon) CoffeeJunkDeLuxe

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Name: Cole or xHelbachx

Age: 16

Time Zone: Central US

DayZ: Acouple months

Style: I kill people only if they attack me or they have attacked my group

Gun: M4 SD CCO amd UAZ

Skype: xlaiit

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