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Hoj0 (DayZ)

Rain Catch among other survival techniques

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Playing on Chernarus led me to a few different idea's for survival techniques that could possibly be implemented in game, let me know your thoughts guys.I watched a few video's where Rocket said he wanted to focus more on the Player versus environment aspect of the game, so here is my contribution towards that.

Some area's of the map are pretty far away from water sources, and running around in a rain storm blinking on water led me to the thought.

Rain Catch

Make garbage bags and a bucket(or other device) a lootable item in the game, garbage bags can be used to make a rain catch.


There is an example of what im talking about.


This link has some variations on a rain catch, above and below ground stills. You could also introduce water purification so you dont contract ghonociphoherpolaids or whatever.

It would only collect a certain amount of water over time, maybe enough to fill 1 or two cantene's worth of water, and only when it rained in game.

Animal Traps

This one seems to have already been suggested and we would probably have to increase the variety of wildlife that is currently in the game, pigs, cows, and rabbits is all i've seen, not sure if you can kill birds or anything like that.


There are a lot of different traps on that previous link, I won't go into explaining too much of it as this website does a very good job explaining each one.

just a few thoughts on how we can improve the food/water procurement without going into towns, I believe when the zombie pathing and AI are improved the game will be a bit harder when going into towns because that zombie isn't going to go on a 10K in the opposite direction before turning to you. I believe they are also going to fix the bush/tree glitch so they dont instantly de-aggro you because your standing in a bush.

This would be an added improvement in my opinion.

There are a lot of other great idea's and proven techniques on this website in the previous links.


EDIT: found another post which had a few of the same thoughts in it, didn't find it in my initial search. Apologies ahead of time.


Edited by Hoj0
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Sounds good, I would love them ideas in SA for survival methods.

You know they have a rat model tested? I hope they don't force us to eat them, they are worse than hedgehogs

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Sounds good, I would love them ideas in SA for survival methods.

You know they have a rat model tested? I hope they don't force us to eat them, they are worse than hedgehogs

i didn't know that, that would be a great idea if your in a town with no food, at least the rats would still be there to eat lol.

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