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Looking for a Panthera Server

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I apologize if this request may seem to picky, but unfortunately I'm having trouble finding a decent, suitable Panthera server. At the moment, it appears the server cache has filled up with absolutely crappy servers, full of people who think having everything on spawn and vehicles within 12 feet of eachother is fun. In fact, this is so far from what DayZ truly is I don't even think they should be listed!

So, where is a server I can find that has less than 100 vehicles, no extra weapons, just DayZ weapons, and a decent spawn loadout that is not at all different, or very small in variation, to the regular spawn gear?

Looking in DayZ commander, I don't even think a server like this exists. Absoulutely ridiculous. Shame on you community, SHAME ON YOU!

I want to play DayZ, not Zombie DayCare where you can have any toy you want without working for it.

I found ONE server, but it appears to be down. I want to play. I have a problem. Anyone have fixes?

Edited by Neko-san

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If you find a good Panthera server, let me know. I'll play with you.

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