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So are there now gangs of armed Bandits hunting defenseless Survivors?

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Im german and we use capital letters on many words. So I tend to "germanize" some words when im writing fast and think more about the content than the form of a text. Anything else to contribute to this thread? ;)

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I pose the question

'So are there now gangs of armed SURVIVORS hunting defenseless BANDITS?'

If not' date=' why?



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That would imply they're good enough to do so. Virfortis I know can't even land a headshot when he has the drop on some one.

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That would imply they're good enough to do so. Virfortis I know can't even land a headshot when he has the drop on some one.

I would assume that his point was the fact that they use the forums instead of doing it ingame.

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I pose the question

'So are there now gangs of armed SURVIVORS hunting defenseless BANDITS?'

Yes, because killing people is the best way to prevent killing people *rolls eyes*

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I have not seen massive ganking, however I have been killed from behind by other survivors when helping them get a gun/food/whatever..

I will kill everyone on sight now, no questions asked. No friendly, nothing. Just shooting on sight from now on. Go die.

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Have only been killed once by another player and it was because I didn't read the signs that someone might be about. Whenever I see another player I usually just retreat and get out of the way. Just yesterday my mate and me looted Cherno hospital and when exiting to the direction of our little group's meeting point, we saw three other players (sprinting over a field lol). We watched them for a while and my buddy by accident stood up.

They saw us, there was a short pause, then everyone went prone, changed positions and both parties retreated in separate directions. No communication without approaching to an uncomfortable distance for everyone involved.

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I use to let players go about their business when they were new players without weapons, but im done being friendly to new players cause they always come back with some kind of weapon nearby and end up killing me

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I would assume that his point was the fact that they use the forums instead of doing it ingame.

Yes I was only disputing the initial claim that they "Could fight with weapons and wit" but instead CHOOSE to use the forums. They CAN'T fight back with weapons which is WHY they use the forums.

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Camping beach gets boring fast, but lately I've had fun setting up a sniper point on the western side of Cherno with my group. It seems like every minute someone runs by through the big open field, it's like the best target practice ever.

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You mean like this?

Although this is not my play style at all, this is pretty awesome, reminds me a lot of the roaming gangs in Mad Max, A boy and his dog and Postman.

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Sure, I spawn rape every player I can see when I have geared up. I usually gear up by running directly up north. When I have geared up and have nothing better to do I hunt other players down south.

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I think the worst case I've witnesed thus far was a helli gunning down noobs on the coastline ealier today.

Pritty harsh and pointless.

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I have two versions of this to relate, one where my and a friends were in the airfield on the coast and a guy came running up with an axe, I direct voiced him to stay the hell away with that axe and he didn't comply so he got shot.

Another time at the same place I saw a fresh spawn, binocced him from afar and could see he was unarmed, so I went up and helped him search and clear the warehouses on the airfield. bandaged him up etc. As soon as he was armed, I asked him to start walking away and I cleared out, I only trusted him so far....

I love that there is this melee ranged thing going on, like I can trust a melee if he stays in front of me where I can see him and am happy to help him out but once he is armed the dynamic shifts and I tell them if they even point a gun at me, they will get one in the face. There is no incentive for me to shoot them but every incentive for them to shoot me.

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