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Several zombies spawning directly on eachother

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Date/Time: 10:00 PM 6/17/2012

What happened: I first tried the latest dayz using the single player map variant to make sure I installed correctly and I went in to a building to find that 5-10 zombies spawned directly on top of each other, completely avoiding character collision. I thought it was strange, but slowly left the building and played normally. After playing offline for a few minutes I went online and entered a building and got attacked by a single zombie through a wall. I opened the door to shoot the one in the head and move on but lo and behold a flood of zombies directly stacked on each other attacked in unison and killed me (I lost an M4A3 CCO and 3 PDW's :@ ) I checked the forum and haven't found anyone reporting this bug so I started a new character and took a screenshot to show an example, which admittedly isn't the best. http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l494/The_Palmtop_Tiger/Untitled-4.png

Where you were: Balota Airfield then NW Airfield then Chernogorsk

What you were doing: Looking for loot

*Current installed version: DayZ Arma 2 OA 93701 (also tried with 93825)

*Server(s) you were on: multiple, also offline

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