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New private hive! [Chernarus][500+ vehicles][Custom buildings][24/7 admin][Anti-hax][Custom loot][Custom vehicles][Bi-weekly events][Spawn with items]

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Hello, I would like to introduce you to our new private hive server! We are looking for new/regular players,

We have;

* Map; Chernarus

* Custom vehicles.

* Custom Loot spawn.

* Friendly admins.

* 24/7 admins (online or on logs)

* Starter weapons.

* Anti-Hack.

* Teamspeak (

* Weekly/monthly events - Winners can get custom loot, vehicles and skins.

* Server located in Seattle.

* Auto-restarts every 6 hours with several warnings.

* Great up-time (99%)

* Donations gets you custom spawn in loot

* Decide your own fate on our server.

* Game-Tracker http://www.gametrack...23.115.85:3323/

* Website (http://degree-gaming.com)

* Server ip =

Were looking for dedicated players.

Hackers will be Banned on sight and reported.

Edited by GothiX

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some feedback would be good im trying to decide what weapons to start off with right now you have a shotgun assault pack and some other stuff, also we have added some new buildings to make the map better and alot more zombies to make it a survival fill. be warned if you shoot in a town u will get a crap tun of aggro and crash sites spawn about 15-20 zombies with a chance to spawn more so it makes looting harder.

feedback and all would be nice

plus looking to change the name to something catchy the person who comes up with the best name will get something from me not sure what but it will be nice

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just added brand new basses and all i can say is omfg they rock and look so cool. plus im gonna be adding a bit more tom so woot for such a badass server

Edited by vital

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The server name could me; Nemisis, Mythic, Axe Swag or Troublesome Times.

Also I think you should spawn with: Assult pack, M9SD (4 mags), 2 Bandages, a map, Lee-enfield (1 mag) and coocked meat, water bottle, morphine and Epi-pen

Great server by the way, If you ever need any admins to help with events and stuff hit me up on Skype: troll.lol84

Also when is next event?

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