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Smooth F/R but every 10s freeze (Graphics)

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Turned of firewall and anti-virus' date=' can't determine if it worked for me or not.

The freezing continued, but it was much less frequent then before.

Going to try out GameBooster now.


Like i say, I had to turn off everything. which included web browser and Vent (not sure if vent was necessary, i'm not a systematic person lol).

I even bumped my graphics up to "Very high" in game, and suffered no loss or freezing. (only thing happened was my GPU Fan went to over 9000. Could have blown the dust out of my machine!)

Perhaps i'm just lucky, but there we go. :)

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Well, I can confirm that GameBooster works, along with turning off everything except for the game and GameBooster like Valechor said.

I suffered only one major lag issue, and that was when the server decided to mass spawn zombies (about 50 zombies spawned in a span of five or so seconds).

I only suffered from a couple of microscopic stutters here and there, but other than that... DayZ worked like a charm for me!

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I'm going to try this fix. I'll follow up after

All I can say is wow. Gamebooster. Someone needs to e-mail these assholes and tell them they're amazing.

I'm running at very high now with 100% 3d resolution (turned off antisopic or w/e and antialising and shadows) but I run at twice maybe three times the resolution I was running on VERY LOW before.

Not to mention I'm running pandora and team speak 3... I've seen it lock up for half a second once.

Consider this problem FIXED

twice, three times the FRAME RATE.. sorry.. I'm excited

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Yeah, I've been suffering from this freeze thing since I first started DayZ (this morning).

I have two monitors and decided to show the Six Updater on the second one while I played on the main. Turns out that the game freezes each time the Six Updater refreshes/reloads all the servers.

So yeah, should probably turn it off once in game.

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Downloaded Gamebooster and installed it. It didnt stop the freezes but added ~10fps to my gameplay (

Since the freezes are rare, like once in 2mins or something instead of every 10secs like before. But Fps dropped to 5 for some reason. So either way, now its like a slightshow and made the freezes obsolete.

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