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{NSG} Enigma

{NSG} Next Step Gaming Recruiting

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Next Step Gaming is a clan fairly new to DayZ and we are now recruiting. In the next few days we plan to set up our own server. We are looking for experienced and mature player to join us. To join please fill out the following application.

Real name:

In game name:


Age: (Mainly 18+ but if mature there are exceptions.)

How long have you been playing DayZ:

What timezone:

How often do you play:

You also need to know how to get geared easily know how to handle yourself. Along with knowing the mechanics of the game.Respond to this post with your application. We will be posting a TeamSpeak server later on where you can join and we can talk to you and get some playtime in with you.

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Real name: Austin

In game name:Jesse Pinkman

Playstyle: I take chances but I dont put other ppl at harm

Age: 21

How long have you been playing DayZ: 7 months

What timezone: cts

How often do you play: often i can play almost everyday but then agian im not gonna play if no one is on

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Any other offers we would really like for people to join the server is up and a teamspeak will be put up soon.

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Real name:Anders

In game name:Anders

Playstyle:I don't shoot unless shot at. Most of the time I am trying to find people to team up with, if it's not a story driven single player game, I prefer to be with others.

Age: 23

How long have you been playing DayZ: 3 weeks consistently so far, off and on over the last six months when I purchased it.

What timezone: (-6:00) Central

How often do you play:I get on when I have time, which is often. Usually a for a little bit daily to every few days.

Edited by Caffbat

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