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EPM DayZ RCon Tool (Beta) [24/05/2013] Changelog and Information

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Due to migration of the Global Database and AutoUpdate server to a better datacentre a manual download of is required. Versions below will not update above.

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Currently sitting 191,000 entries in the global database , getting close to the big 200,000.

Edited by cortez

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I love this tool. It is simple and basic, and gets the job done. I had problems with other DayZ RCON tools where it wouldn't stay connected to the server, but EPM doesn't have that problem.

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Love EPM RCon, Uncle Dave! It's works and works well. Only 2 things I would like to see in the future.

1) Auto-(re)connect on load/after server restart.

2) Android RCon app with all of these features :D

Keep up the great work Uncle Dave, and thank you for providing such a wonderful tool to the community!

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Any update for using EMPrcon for Arma 3 rented servers?


Looking to install said rcon and still no joy!!


appreciate any assistance




[23RD]CPT Berry.F     Bravo Company Commander


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Any update for using EMPrcon for Arma 3 rented servers?


Looking to install said rcon and still no joy!!


appreciate any assistance




[23RD]CPT Berry.F     Bravo Company Commander

Sent you a reply on the BI Forums


If you still need help let me know.

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Fixed our email server, our forums should be able to handle sending emails to Gmail and hotmail again.  If you want to keep up to date with our test builds please register on our forums and post in this thread http://www.epm-gaming.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?349-Test-Build. I will keep that thread up to date with the latest information and gives you guys a place to post comments and requests for the rcon tool. If you have an issues let me know via email or pm on here or via my forums.

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- Added a Private database of players.
- Added support for notifications with configurable words and cooldown.
- Ability to launch and connect to your server via command line. Switches are -ip=address -password=password -port=port.
- Removed disconnect / connection lost messages from the chat tab.
- Added admin tab to show ips and ports of all connected admins.
- Added Missions tab.
- Ability to load missions from the missions tab.
- Added comment system to local database.
- Added the ability to minimize the rcon to the notification tray.
- Added option to play a sound, flash the window and a TS3 notification when someone uses the !admin or any configured word.
- Added the ability to set custom ban messages.
- Added the ability to connect to a Ts3 server.
- Added the ability to issue ingame commands using the prefix # before your command. Example #missions to select a mission.
- Added the ability to send BE Commands using the prefix ! before your command. Example !say test will send the message test.

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