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What's your favourite loadout?

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So i was asking myself what are the most popular guns in DayZ so i could try them out some time.

My favourite basic-stuff loadout is:




More advanced guns loadout:

M107 (at least that one sounds like an actual gun, unlike the peashooter-sound AS50)

PDW / G17

FN FAL / M14 AIM (prefer the M14 AIM cuz of the reddot and the more common ammo)


DMR / M24

PDW / G17

M4A1 CCO SD / Mk48 Mod 0 (prefer the low recoil of the M4A1 CCO SD, but it's ammo's a real rarity (was lucky to find a guy with 8 SD-mags stored in his backpack ..)

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I find that as soon as i get medium to high level gear i start taking the game way to seriously and being super cautious about where i go.

If i have low level gear i have far more fun just sprintingaround the map causing chaos.

I prefer being the lunatic you see coming at you with an axe screaming than the guy who shoots you with a rifle from a few hundred meters away.

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I find that as soon as i get medium to high level gear i start taking the game way to seriously and being super cautious about where i go.

If i have low level gear i have far more fun just sprintingaround the map causing chaos.

I prefer being the lunatic you see coming at you with an axe screaming than the guy who shoots you with a rifle from a few hundred meters away.

well, since i was killed with all high-end loot one can imagine, by a hacker, i really don't care about my loot anymore. i need like 1 trip to cherno to find my beloved medium-end gear AKM, 1 trip to NW airfield to find a M14 AIM or something (if not, i keep my AKM), 1 trip to NE airfield over devil's castle, and normally you find a helicopter crash on ur way to the NE airfield, and if it's not looted, you practically already have a found ur M107 or ur FN FAL.

yesterday i found a heli crash right next to devil's castle (inside devil's castle was also a completely broken Mi-17 with 2 Cans of Mountain Dew in it :thumbsup: ), where i found 2 FALs, 1 with 1 mag, the other with 2 mags. decided to take one FAL for my AKM, shooting nearly 200 rounds of AKM ammo into the heli-crash (despite 30+ players on the server, i mean, i was right in the middle of nowhere <.<), then took one FAL and left my AKM and the other FAL without ammo there. my only problem now, far bigger problem than the amount of time i need to find such gear again, is that i got no weapon on close range vs zombies without aggroing 'em all. FAL is loud, M107 is even louder. and i'm not really in the mood to switch to my PDW every time another grandpa-zombie chases me (those are the most stubborn ones .. one chased me for like 5 km before i got annoyed and shot him in the face <.<)

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Urban Loudout:

-Ghilly Suit

-M24 Sniper rifle



Roamer Loudout:

-Ghilly Suit




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Direct copy paste from some other topic thats the same fcking thing:

M14/DMR combo is the best for me.... Other guns, FN FAL, M4A1 CCO, M4A3 CCO, AKM, (AK107 if the hive has one), M24, (M40A3 if the hive has one), M107 and AS50 are ok, but id rather have a DMR.. Also L115 if the hive has it. It is very very good

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