TheBambiProtector 0 Posted January 16, 2013 Unfortunately i cannot provide proof because fraps was not open at the time this happened.Me and some friends were on DE 867 at our base when we see a UAZ going down a hill and stopping at a high value barn , we had been on our current life for weeks and were VERY geared up , I had a AS50, M14 , Coyote Backpack , NVGs , Rangefinder ....etc . We are Bandits and we wanted the car , so when he got out i shot , 3 bullets connected with him perfectly , at which point he turns around (whilst getting shot by a AS50) and starts spraying with a M249 with a scope , in total i put 6 bullets into him and 3 into the UAZs motor with no reaction , there was no de-sync and earlier we had killed another player with one clean shot...This server has been our home for a very long time and we HATE hackers that hack like this , any suggestions?-Seb Share this post Link to post Share on other sites