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So what are your plans for Standalone

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By organized I meant Shack Tactical, Tushino Serious Games etc. Not just the silly deathmatch like Domination or Warfare.

Let's not derail the topic though, DayZ is DayZ, Arma is Arma. Two different things.

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As for what I plan to do in SA.

Well, If it is indeed 12 months before it is considered stable public I will just have random fun in the versions prior to that and expect plenty of changes to any playstyle I attempt to stick to. So I want to try everything.

Starting off as a lone friendly survivor for some days before trying for a small group. Then large.

Edited by Zachstar

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Yo ho, yo ho, a bandit's life for me!

Kidding, I'm probably going to play mainly based on mood based impulse-choices made in the heat of the moment. And if I ever did go bandit, I'd do it right, rather than shooting fresh spawns on the docks of cherno from a nice, safe, tall skyscraper with a DMR, 3 cans of beans, 6 morphine injectors, an M4A1 CCO SD with 80 rounds, 5 Mountain Dews, other asorted goods and a friend with a chopper just around the corner.

One of the things I'd like to try out is dressing up like a cowboy (complete with a revolver) and play as the Sherriff of Elektrozavodsk. B)

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1.) get a ghillie

2.) get a sniper

3.) sit in the woods and make a dump

4.) Snipe some guys, get their beanZ to.....

5.) ...have ammunition for another dump

...rinse and repeat :P

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God, some of you are just so Imaginative, Wheres all the gung ho loonys who want to run through Cherno strip bollock naked? those last few rebels who wanna tie their mates choppers to a tree just above the zed grab line?

Or a psycho medic who gets to his patient and strips them down and insists it is payment for recovery? Bandits who actually rob you but leave you in precarious positions?

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