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The dissapearance *READ THE BOTTEM, MIGHT SAVE YOU!*

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So let me start off where it started.

After having our SUV stolen, one we found at NW Airfield on our main US Server, we found a bus.

Not even a day later our bus was stolen aswell, and we fought to recoop our losses, which was an FN Fal night vision, AS50 and a bunch of other stuff, scattered over 3 tents at 308 near NW Airfield.

We found the bus back, a while later after I found a "Holo" grenade launcher, so we blew it up and let it burn out after looting back our Fal and we decided to make a new -temp- camp near 308 (NW Airfield) And before we knew it we found a red car, probably a Gaz and drove it to "The dam" near NE Airfield, where we decided to make a camp.

We were so happy, having lots of gear, AS50's DMR's basically everything. You should see in the trade forum we actually had a traders camp, and were ready to trade to get Night Vision and Rangefinders.

It was tough luck, days of searching, and we had to recoop with losses. It became so bad that we lost the M14 aim, while we gained things such as Camo Clothing and a ghilli suit.

My friend daily would hang out the bandit near NE, shooting at people and made a total of 6 kills (No loot) as I became a stocker, stocking the airfield daily, and leaving every gun and such we didnt need for people to find, ranging AK's, MP5's and more.

On a good day, as I said I found a ghilly suit. Our car was gone, and I Figured my buddy took it off for a spin, to get in a sniper position faster, since a 2K walk to and back, can be a drag. Some foods and such missed, so I didnt know when I'd see him back at camp (We've known for 8 years outside this game, and we trust eachother fully).

I find a friend of mine (Dont know where I knew him from) who had NV and Rangefinders, and we were thrilled. Finally 4 months of playing working off, I dont know if the forums agree, but NV and Rangefinders are so extremely (Stupidly) rare even in military bases that finding a legit copy is nearly impossible.

I gave them to my friend so he could be a better sniper and play at night times (I'm from europe, he's from america) So the times he's home servers are mostly dark already.

So what happened was, Apperantly he went into a gunfight, Trying to snipe a man in a ghilly suit and a regular survivor down at NE.

At the same night, My AK Jammed, after the 3 last clips, and shooting someone, I had to run out of the hangar mortally wounded, being shot 2ce with a Rifle, (3 shots were fired, not sure how many hit.) I hide behind the hangar, bandaged myself and logged off for the day.

The guy was gone already anyways, logged off directly after I made my run (I waited for a while).

So the next day me and my friend meet, we were both wounded.

With blurry vision I made it out to camp, and found a way to fix myself using meats to half health, while he was stuck in an hourglass timer, that had 1 tick every 60 minutes (And mostly none at all).

He found a way to stay alive, while I tried to go to camp... It was all flattened up when I got there, imagine trying to find your tents without being able to see, (At half night too) And had to tell him that I wouldnt be able to come to his rescue JUST YET.

So I started heading back to find him, but he was nowhere to be found. as if he was gone already..

He told me a guy saw him, and opened fire (he logged off), which is funny seeing as I scouted entire NE for 1.5 hours, went atleast 3 circles around the immediate 1.5KM area and couldn't find him..

So I give up, and go to a different server; And got warped to NW by a hacker saying "ByeBye" and tried blowing me up, but spawn protection saved me, whichafter I logged off directly and took no damage. I Found a GPS and Coyote Backpack, and as I made it all the way back to NE we switched servers to a server named "DE1614" And sadly, what happened afterwards was that when we left the server (Happens on reconnect too) we both got completely reset, Losing NV Gogs, Rangefinders, GP's 2x Coyote backpack and more..

I guess thats where our characters did the great dissapearance act. And my friend was never a bad guy, he didnt snipe noobs only Ghilly players shooting at them. And when we got reset, We went to balota on the server DE1614 that reset us, to find a guy bleeding, screaming friendly friendly. After bandaging him, and letting him take the shotgun, my buddy says "A teammate is a teammate" So I ask him to join us to NW at the bottem of balota, Only to have him shoot me right in the skull.

Trust no players, is what my motto is now. Its time to be a bandit, and shoot Bambi's, players and whoever is not one of us.


Where's a hacker when you need them -_-;

Moral of this story, Im starting to like the white hat hackers more and more, people complain so much about "Item spawns"

But negate the reality that Day Z Can be SO glitchy, that it will just reset your entire gear for joining the wrong server for instance.

This "reset" happened to me atleast 3x in a row already, and I'd say I wouldnt mind having someone hack some stuff for me, after losing NV's x 2, RF x 3, 2 Coyote backpacks, GPS, 2 M4A1 Holos, 1 M4A1 CCO SD, M9SD, 3 GPS's and more.

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And you're 100% positive you're not joining private hives thinking they are public ones? That could explain why your gear is not carrying. In that case, your gear isn't reset- its locked to that one private server.

I never really had this problem happen before, where your gear vanishes... Unless the gotcha anti-hack isn't set correctly.

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1: evoxtom is right. You were probably playing a private hive on one server or another. I know that DayZ commander doesn't reliably display the private hive icon next to PH servers so you may have not even known that you were playing PH.

2: Since when do guns jam in DayZ? I know that someone wrote a gun jamming mod for ACE for Arma II, but not DayZ.

3: Spawn protection? I didn't think there was any such thing on official hive servers. More evidence to suggest you were playing on PH here.

4: You gave a gun to a random and turned your back on him? You must be new here ;]

5: Last, but not least, a word of advice: Learn to love the losses as much as the finds. Loss is an integral part of DayZ. It's always "easy come, easy go." If you find really great gear, don't get too attached to it because you can lose it all at any moment. This is good, though, because if you got to keep all the gear you found, the game would get boring. I played on a server for over a month that had been abandoned by an active clan. In their absence, random players would come and go, but I kept playing the same server. I acquired dozens of guns, multiple tents, several vehicles, and experienced virtually zero losses (never died, only had one vehicle stolen, no one found my tents). Guess what? IT WAS BORING AS HELL. The most interesting part was when I killed 3 players out of the sheer luck of being in the right place at the right time. When you lose gear in DayZ, it should ignite a fire within you to go out and replace it, to take risks for the possibility that the heli crash site down the hill *might* have another ghillie suit in it to replace the one you lost when you died, EVEN if it was due to a glitch. That is far more exciting than hoarding gear for its own sake. For that reason, I have to disagree with you about wishing there were more "white hat" hackers. Learn to love the loss, because that is what drives you to experience the most visceral aspect of the game: that of fighting for the spoils, only to find yourself questioning whether it was worth it. When you murder a half dozen other survivors and all you find is an AKM with no ammo and a bunch of empty cans, you'll understand what I mean.

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1: evoxtom is right. You were probably playing a private hive on one server or another. I know that DayZ commander doesn't reliably display the private hive icon next to PH servers so you may have not even known that you were playing PH.

2: Since when do guns jam in DayZ? I know that someone wrote a gun jamming mod for ACE for Arma II, but not DayZ.

3: Spawn protection? I didn't think there was any such thing on official hive servers. More evidence to suggest you were playing on PH here.

4: You gave a gun to a random and turned your back on him? You must be new here ;]

5: Last, but not least, a word of advice: Learn to love the losses as much as the finds. Loss is an integral part of DayZ. It's always "easy come, easy go." If you find really great gear, don't get too attached to it because you can lose it all at any moment. This is good, though, because if you got to keep all the gear you found, the game would get boring. I played on a server for over a month that had been abandoned by an active clan. In their absence, random players would come and go, but I kept playing the same server. I acquired dozens of guns, multiple tents, several vehicles, and experienced virtually zero losses (never died, only had one vehicle stolen, no one found my tents). Guess what? IT WAS BORING AS HELL. The most interesting part was when I killed 3 players out of the sheer luck of being in the right place at the right time. When you lose gear in DayZ, it should ignite a fire within you to go out and replace it, to take risks for the possibility that the heli crash site down the hill *might* have another ghillie suit in it to replace the one you lost when you died, EVEN if it was due to a glitch. That is far more exciting than hoarding gear for its own sake. For that reason, I have to disagree with you about wishing there were more "white hat" hackers. Learn to love the loss, because that is what drives you to experience the most visceral aspect of the game: that of fighting for the spoils, only to find yourself questioning whether it was worth it. When you murder a half dozen other survivors and all you find is an AKM with no ammo and a bunch of empty cans, you'll understand what I mean.

1. I've played for 5 months, keep your assumptions to yourself. I'm pretty damn sure that I know what the difference is between a private and public hive,

added that as it states in the description of my story it was a HACKER that basically shut down the server and EVERYONE trying to abort would have a "No quitting" message, and got reset (My friend logged before me and it said ____ died).

2. The gun jamming, was my own stupidity for not propperly reloading.

3. Jokes on you bro, Because I logged in and there IS SOMETHING LIKE SPAWN PROTECTION. when your game is loading, They cant kill you. I've experienced it A LOT of times with other people aswell, and when I spawned I heard some 13 year old kid say "bye bye" and heard an explosion go off right behind me and dirt flying. Again you probably have a different version of the story, but since you're such a know-it-all I bet you must've played for 2 years, and understand the full game. Enlighten me more please.

4. I survived, and you'd be more of a dumbass standing in one of the hangars, near the exit of it and not turning around and running out if you make a stupid mistake like that than staying. But then again you're the "pro" so I guess you'd have a different story, possibly resulting to your death (I made it out, so I'm not complaining).

5. I replaced my Coyote backpack already, I at least have that back because of the looting, and your "Advice" rubs of more in the direction of "General Jackassery" and in no way should you lecture people in the way you do.

It doesn't spark a "well of knowledge" or anything even close to "advice" more in the tint of "I'm better than you". And quite possibly you might want to go outside a bit more to learn how to properly bring the message over to people, in a way they don't have to feel belittled.

With that said, I'll add that we're not all you. So its GREAT you have had a tent full of supplies, multiple vehicles and such and got bored of it, but some of us like a change of gun every now and then, and find that walking (even though my total KM bar must be over the million already) gets rather boring and frustrating than "fun".

In any case, You may disagree with my love for white hat hackers, but you clearly don't understand that I was aiming at the point that I'd rather get shot by someone, Have them take my equipment so at least SOMEONE IS USING IT over any Black hat hacker, or Day Z Bug deleting all my shit so nobody gets it, and it literally was a waste of time.

A good day to you too sir.

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Gear reset has happened to me twice... Once when a server reset, I aborted next to a flipped arc right before the server restart, logged back in when it was up and running, was pleased to see the atv was the right way up. Looked in my bag but I was a fresh spawn, lost a full Alice pack with mp5 and m14 etc.

Second time I switched server due to hackers bothering me while I was sniping in Cherno, (guy just kept appearing with gillie m4 silenced playing music) so yeah I decided to switch server, lost all my gear again cz, Alice full of kit.

It is rather annoying when you work hard and lose a bunch of stuff you have played hours for to get, but that is essentially the reason I'm sticking to the same couple of private hives.

P.S I'd be even more pissed if I lost nv etc. to it, I'm all for losing gear when I die legitimately its part of the game.

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Never get attached to your gear. your shit resetting? welp that happens. IMO this is you crying in the forums.

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