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Battle Eye: script restriction #21

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yesterday I played on a server (had some Script restriction #41 probs an fixed them with

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY2U9qIky2A )

everything was normal

the server got haked and i got teleportet to a random place

managed to disconnet with broken legs before anything happend to me

today i tried to reconnect on to another server

respawned at the location before i got ported

broken legs, bleeding, unconscious (unconsciousmeter (hourglass thingi) stays full)

so i decided to bleed out and start a new life

after a few sec i got droped by battle eye do to Script restriction #21 (tryed to fix it the same way -> no result)

this happens to me now basicly on every server i go to

anyone any ideas why this happend? (my guess is the teleport bullsh*t)

what does restriction #21 mean?

and how can i fix this ?

thx g00mba

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Try this one, find ure appdata folder (windows) and find arma2 OA folder and open it, look for MPmissioncache and olso open it , delete all .PBO files.

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do i have to verify my steam data thingi after that or will they be loaded on connecting ?

Edit: The "MPmissions" folder is empty

Edited by g00mba

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One time I was just driving a bus and I got that weird message.

It wouldn't let me rejoin that server but I could join other ones.

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do i have to verify my steam data thingi after that or will they be loaded on connecting ?

Edit: The "MPmissions" folder is empty

I dont know if dvd and steam (after install) use the same directory.

But you must not look at your main folder off arma but at your appdata folder from windows, open it see folder local, open it see folder arma 2 OA, open it and there u see "MPmissionCache" folder , open it and delete all .PBO file`s, before u start the game.

This are the file`s (.pbo) what you downloading if you join a server, can be dayz or arma server.

U can use the file`s as well ("No dayz" only arma mission`s like incurgency) to put them in your MPmission folder (at your main arma folder) if you like that mission and will setup a own server (host or deticated server)

Find your AppData folder for vista /win7

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