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Nugo 1 squad 0

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Shoulda stayed prone in defilade and killed the agrro, other than that well done.

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you are an ice cold killer ahahah...mmm zombies are not helping...great action!

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trizzo u making any more videos

Been super busy with a whole bunch of stuff but I got two more im working on this week!

1) TrackIR5 Review and Application/Tips For DayZ

2) "Cherno City Rat", an endurance event, trying to survival solely in Cherno and get as many zombie kills (by whatever means) as possible. Emphasis on survival!

", an endurence event, trying to survival soely in Cherno and get as many zombie kills (by whatever means) as possible. Empahsis on survival, will pretty much a highlight reel depending on how long I last! So i hope some cool shit happens.... :P First day was scoping out cherno, dodging players, sneaky looting, gearing up and shitty technical problems :(

Edited by Trizzo

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