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The water did taste funny, we lost our minds for sure!

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So about 8 hours into the live-stream on the hunt for a bus..

It all started with Kahuna. We believe he lost his mind. It began with a harmless trolling, and ended with something different ;_;...

..we all drank from the same water supply :P

By the way, if you're interested in watching the entire live-stream, it is available on my channel. We got into a few zombie shootdowns in supermarkets. Some sneaking around zeleno and cherno. We went through some military places, we killed some other players and finalized it with a six man olympic run (holding flares) running full steam into cherno. It all ended poorly for everyone, but me who survived the longest and managed to do get a bit of vengeance :)

One of the others I was playing with (I call him pixels in game) is Nukedpixels. He has his own youtube channel with hundreds of videos.

Here is his;


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