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Looking for Teammates

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Hey, my name is Burns. After getting killed by what seemed to be a nice guy, I realized I need some people watching my back. So, if you want a guy with no equipment but ARMA experience, I'm your guy. I'm a quite friendly guy and I got a hero skin in DayZ.

Edited by BBurns

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sup bro im trying to rally up sum good hearted survivors n ive gotten 1 guy who found my other forum post but havent played with em yet ..im desperatly trying to get sum good connections for a long running group that is Dayz ready for when standalone comes out. im not a kill on site guy seems alil dickish unless provoked lol ..so if u want add me im on skype which at the moment seems easyiest way to connect with others

skype @ o_gloc



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Hi there we're the BSB Network, a social gaming community that has a good number of players supporting Day Z and Wateland.

We're a stable and established community that supports fair and mature gamers on various different games setup in 2002 (so we're not a fly by night ad-hoc clan or anything!).

We presently have over 1700 registered users, approximately 400+ of which are Day Z and Wasteland players. We have no age, skill or time requirements, all we ask is for players to be fair and have a bit of common sense. There's no need to join our clan or anything friends and guests are more than welcome to get involved in our games.

We use TS3 and have our own community website with members from all over the world. Most of our members are over the age of 20 (well over in most cases!) but we do have some mature younger players too!

Day Z/Wasteland wise, we have our own Taviana Private Hive that's always populated and is increasing in popularity. We have our own two clan Factions (BSB Scorpions and BSB Ravens) that go head to head against each other as well as several smaller groups/clans too within our community.

If you're interested, just hop on the serve any time. Our guys tend not to team up with players unless they are on our TS3 server too though so be warned. Details for both servers are below;

Teamspeak server:


BSB Day Z Taviana Server


Our recruitment/advertisement topic on this forum can be found here:


Finally our Website (in case you want to join us and get more involved is


Hope to catch you in game soon!

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