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Oliver Riedel

Forsake The Fallen Clan Recruitment

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This will be a new clan, primarily playing Chernarus but we will be playing panthera island as well. As of right now their are only a few people in the clan. We will be a friendly clan (do not shoot unless shot at). We have enough gear to start a few people out with ak-47's and some other basics. their will be 5 main classes you can choose to be. Everyone will be fitted with some sort of assault rifle, blood bags and bandages. We will be helping bambies and anyone in need that is not a bandit. KILL ON SIGHT ALL BANDITS :)

Medic - Of course you are going to be the most important and the clan top priority to protect. you will have a few blood bags, morphine, epi pens, pain killers, bandages, some sort of rifle to protect yourself of course.

Looter - You will go in with an empty bag and empty inventory so you can grab whatever is needed, you will have a basic assault rifle to protect yourself as well.

Grunts - Their will be a group this group with consist of one medic, one looter, 3 Group Assaults, their Job is to protect the others in any situation. You will also be the ones to engage anyone we come across (only if they are not friendly ;))

Sniper/spotter team - This class will be the sniper. you will have a sniper, range finders, an assault rifle in your backpack for emergencey situations. Your spotter will have a assault rifle with your ammo in his backpack.

Engineer - This class will be the handyman, you will have the tools and parts to fix or repair the vehicles in any situation. you will of course have an assault rifle to protect yourself and others.

I will need your steam, skype, etc for a way of contacting you. please leave a comment if you want to join with this info and a small desc. of yourself and what position you would like to be assagined. We play on American servers and the few people that our already in the clan are on EST but we are accepting anyone that wants to join as long as you can play DayZ the same time as us.

(if anyone knows a good Team Speak or Mumble server we can use and not be messed with then that would be fine.) i will post if i have left out any info later. thanks for viewing and i hope to see you soon!

Edited by Dr_anthony

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Almost everything sounds pretty good. Except for the group assaults.. Shitty name.. Grunts would be far better.. But that's not really important, is it? Well, anyway, I think about joining with you guys, but you failed to mention your area or the servers your mainly on. It is of no use if I start shouting "PICK ME, PICK ME", just to realise, I've got a 500ms ping on the server you are going to play on.


PS: By the way, do you guys know RaidCall? I was in a clan once, that used it and it was very decent. Plus, everyone can create a kind of a "server" for free or at least so was I told by the clan leaders back then. Worked quite well.

Edited by Joe Freedom

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East-coast server's and timezone, and ill change the name usually play on any American server's. thanks for pointing that out.

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I do have a decent ping to some American east coast servers. Especially one private hive in New York is pretty good.. Anyway.. let's try this I like to apply to your clan on trial. I'll send you a pm with my skype name.

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