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Advice for 1.7.1

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Straight off, this is not a whining thread. I need help.

Having never played Day Z before, and having my first day today where the 'cruel' patch came out, I think I'm at a slight disadvantage.

With these new crazy zombies and a lack of weapons starting out, what advice would you give to someone with absolutely no experience thus far? Please don't say read the tutorials, I have, and I've also watched the videos and everything, except they don't account for these new crazy zombies.

So if you've got any advice, please share it with me, even hit me up with a PM if you don't wanna go public with it.

Also, I have managed to occasionally find a couple of Makarovs, so how many shots does it take to kill in zed (in the body), cause I feel as though I'm wasting precious ammo..

And last thing, I can never seem to avoid zombies.. I'll prone, go slowly and everything.. but then one will see me, and all hell breaks loose cause he starts shouting to his buddies and then they're all over me.. again.


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I am interested in this thread too!

My friend and I got ArmA: CO to play this mod and I must admit that so far we have only found 1 makarov and even then we did not last long at all. Could anyone give us some tips? Im not talking about standard ones found in tutorials and videos (we have watched plenty of those) but personal experiences could really help :)

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I think it takes 2-3 body shots from the Makarov to put down a Z. Single head shot only, though :)

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Shame I don't have that level of aiming skill :p.. or any aiming skill for that matter.. Hell, even a gun half the time.

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#1: install DayZ 1.7.0

#2: Spawn with gun

#3: install DayZ

Have fun and welcome to Day-fking-Z

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Haha wait for the hotfix. Zombies will have their sight angle reverted from where their eyes face (which flail wildly) to their body direction, meaning their long distance sight doesnt swing all over the place.They will still have a large® line of sight distance, but much narrower. I havent played 1.7.1 yet, but advice I can still give is to say about 3 mak rounds to chest will kill, but stay indoors and aim for head, if possible.

In 1.7.0 I just managed to sneak through 2 towns and 5 settlements unnoticed, by using prone, and stealth. Watch the sight/sound meter on your right HUD. You will notice that it is one bar greater/louder when on hard ground, so I always go prone on hard surface (except indoors), or I go prone whenever zombies are close, because regardless of surface, your Sight/sound is zero(this does not make you invisible, but you can get pretty damn close). Also, do not hug walls too tightly, as they can attack through them!

in the new patch your playing, you can lose zombies by breaking line of sight (a luxury I never had), so running like a maniac through town can be good. if you have some room between the Zeds chasing, try vaulting over a fence, as they cannot do the same and must run around.

Also note that Mak is very inaccurate at range.

Players will almost certainly kill you, and if they don't- then be cautious. I once got held up by a guy, he snuck up behind me as I was stalking his friend. I didn't aim at him directly and we exchanged a wave, and he let me go (I was extremely surprised). as I left I heard gunshots, and I found that someone tried shooting the pair, but was killed himself.

I found I play better when I turn the sound up loud, as audio cues are VERY important. You can very often get the drop on people be hearing their footsteps. I often travel by forest, and I'll hear footsteps and drop prone. They will go past me and I can do as I please, shoot them or leave.

If you are in cherno, or elektro, then it is kill or be killed. No exemptions. "Friendlies in cherno?" is a running joke in servers, or often "friendlies?" in any context is humorous.

Something you could do is go to armory mode on Arma2 Singleplayer, and select Makarov or other common weapons such as winchester to get a feel for the guns and improve your aim; or simply play some Arma, as you get a good feel for how the gunplay works, without worrying about ammo.

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Yeah, whilst I was waiting for my internet to get set up I was playing Arma 2 Free a fair bit just to get to grips with the controls etc.

Thanks for the advice, it's the exact kind of thing I was looking for. How would I go about vaulting over a wall?

Also, a tip from me if anyones interested - If you have extra buttons on your mouse, assign them to NumPad 3 and 1! Much easier to see if you're being chased when you can look on each side of you with your hands on the mouse!

And finally, would you object to me quoting what you said and putting in on the main post? It'll make it easier for anyone in the same situation as me, especially if this thread gets a few replies (hopefully!)

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The key for vaulting is V. Talking of mouse bindings, I find that the Field Of View can be abit to narrow for good situational awareness, particulary when you are proning through a minefield of zombies, or when expecting danger from any direction.

So I hotkeyed something like "Toggle Zoom out" to a spare mouse button. If you hold the minus key, you will grealty increase your FOV. If your used to Arma, you will find it feels like a fishbowl lens, but I use it far more than the normal FOV, as I feel alot more aware of my surroundings and peripheral vison. Double tapping the minus key also works. I feel like the FOV is too narrow as it is, must me around 40 degrees, this is more like 90, and in most cases I think its better, unless theres something in the distance you need to aim at.

Pro-tip double tapping any key usually toggles it on or off, such as compass, or the shift key, or zooms.

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Shame I don't have that level of aiming skill :p.. or any aiming skill for that matter.. Hell' date=' even a gun half the time.


Yeah, my aiming isn't all that good either - especially in pressure situations. If you can get inside, it helps a lot to bag the Z's in the head.


#1: install DayZ 1.7.0

#2: Spawn with gun

#3: install DayZ

Have fun and welcome to Day-fking-Z

Ended up doing this as well.

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Flappy, where did you get the 1.7.0 files?

And cheers Golden, I'll try that next time I'm in a stressful situation haha. Thanks :)

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Headshots are the key.

You need to lead the Zombies into a large enclosed area, like a barn or warehouse, and just go dowwn on one knee and take carefull aim and headshot those buggers.

My mates and I always try to see who can break the record for parity with headshots versus Zombie Kills, the record so far is 104/104 before a bodyshot ruined it.

At one stage I was 400/325 , so with a bit of practice and some good tactics, headshotting is made much easier.

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i bought this game yesterday played it and now i log in today and the patched changed everything :P must be quite difficult for new and old players of the game to get use to as i know for sure i'm having trouble. however i have found 1 trick which seems to help if you can't find any weapons.

Basically find tin cans on the floor they are everywhere! then by pressing f you can toggle to throw the cans, if there's a zombie on a loot pile you want or in your way throw a tin can in the opposite direction and they will leave as they are attracted to sound :D. i really dunno if it'll help anyone but it helped me loot a military base and find a ak 74 with couple mags and some meds and food much needed :D

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Flappy' date=' where did you get the 1.7.0 files?

And cheers Golden, I'll try that next time I'm in a stressful situation haha. Thanks :)


Dreganius has it right. Looks like all the stuff is there.

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Grab water canteens, a hunting knife, an axe, and matches as soon as possible. These are infinitely more important than the other tools. Make sure to pick up a primary and a sidearm while you're in town.

Stay outside of the southern cities and the southern coast. With the recent changes, bandits are coming out of the woodworks to simply kill you for giggles. Don't believe what the supposed "hardcore" players are telling you, bandits do not run out of food or water. They know the spots where animals spawn along with the usual water filling spots.

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