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Zombies being able to knock you out

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So i have been playing Dayz for a few weeks now. I love the game what direction it going. But something that have killed me more then anything els in this game is that goddamn random knock out the zombies can you. As an example. I was in a town today i was crouching taking it easy. A zombie somehow saw me even though i made no sound and i had no visibility. The first hit i got was a knock out. I had 9k blood. The zombie knocked me out and the blood was going so quick with the zombie hitting me, so i died. The worst part is that. AFter the patch the zombies breaks your bones makes you bleed and knock you out way more often then before. Im fine with them making me bleed. But knocking me out is way to much. I hate all kind of RNG ingames wich the zombies have ALOT of.

What do everyone els think about it? I mean they can do it on otherways. I think you should only feint if your low on blood. Breaking my legs i should only get by someone shooting my legs or falling from an heigh. Make it instead so you have like an infection meter. Like if the zombies hit you like 4-5 times after you started to bleed or something you need to find antibiotics or you will get a big infection or something. Something that doesnt make a solo player doomed beacuse they are unlucky.

What do everyone els feel about all the RNG stuff the zombies does?

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I agree, or atleast have a knockout chance when you are, lets say, 7000 blood, having 11089 blood and getting knocked by a single hit and then dying because you cant shoot is kinda annoying. 7000 blood is more fair for knowdowns because then you know if you have to be more sneaky, instead of going rambo on the poor zombies

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