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James D. Jones II

(RP) Groups?

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Is there any hard core RP groups out there looking for a player? Cuz im looking to start role playing in DayZ thanks.


PS. I have all the maps and I have a good mic as well as teamspeak.

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We have a server you can come on if you want, it requires Rmod that just allows more editing to be done to loot tables and such and if you get with a group it be awesome if you came on and played. please send me a message if you are intrested

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We have a server you can come on if you want, it requires Rmod that just allows more editing to be done to loot tables and such and if you get with a group it be awesome if you came on and played. please send me a message if you are intrested


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Supremus Conquestum

I'm looking for some players who would be interested in joining our little clan on the map celle. It is a mainly PvP based clan rivalling with another clan which we will be sharing the server with. If you like shooting people in the face then you are more than welcome! We are already helping most people who ask nicely, but kill those who take it upon theirselves to attack us, we WILL engage the enemy clan at all times, unless deemed unnecessary by a higher command.


Cook: Cooks food for the group, carry's lots of food, gets food for the group.

Healer: Carry's lots of medical supplies for the group and heals people.

Negotiator: Goes out and talks to survivors for the group.(TENDS TO DIE A LOT)

Mechanic: Carry's vehicle parts and fixes vehicles for the group.( DOESN'T ME HE DRIVES ALL OF THEM)

Driver: Drives group from place to place.(YOU DONT DRIVE HELIS!)

Sniper: Stays out of towns and covers group from afar.(Pretty boring if you ask me...)

Planner: You help plan missions.


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