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Large FPS drops when playing online mainly on Chernarus

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I have been experiencing, not just in DayZ but mainly in DayZ, large FPS drops whilst playing online. I run the game fine offline on normal to high. I can play on Utes better than other maps, Takistan plays relatively well but when playing Chernarus there are serious FPS drops. I don't experience multiplayer issues on other online games like I do with Arma 2. I've checked my ping and internet bandwidth whilst in Arma 2 and often I have ping in the 30s and bandwidth in the 100s when experiencing these lag spikes. This happens regardless of server, the only difference is how well it runs between this FPS drops.

My specs :

Intel core i&-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz

8GB installed RAM

64 bit operating system

Nvidia 540m

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2Ghz is kinda low, even for an i7 CPU. What graphics settings are you playing on?

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We have the same specs and stuff. I wouldn't let your laptop/computer overheat. Turn off Anti-Aliasing if you have it on.

I don't suffer FPS drops with these.

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2Ghz is kinda low, even for an i7 CPU. What graphics settings are you playing on?

I've changed graphics settings numerous times, it happens despite changing them after reading graphics optimisation threads. It happens on very low settings aswell. It is a year and half old laptop. I'm looking to buy a gaming PC soon anyway, I was just wondering if there was any fix in the mean time.

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I think setting things to 'low' actually puts them on your CPU instead of your graphics card so that won't help, lol.

Have you tried everything set to 'normal' with post-processing and anti-aliasing disabled?

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I have, yes. and it runs well, however I still get these FPS drops every now and again.

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