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[FG] Fiend Gaming

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About us

We are a International Gaming Group that was centered around a group of friends from a Mount and Blade Warband regiment and from other walks of life.

We all have had a ton a fun in each others company. We want others to have the same experience.

We currently have over 30 members on at various times from across the world. We are most active on the weekends and week nights

Some things we do:

We play games (Duh) of all sorts such as Europa 3, Company of heroes, Day-Z, Mount and Blade, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare and alot more.

We talk about things, sometimes personal get new ideas and even talk about projects (Media based) we want to do as a community and try to hold meetings every so often to hear the concerns and opinions of each member from the lowest to highest rank.


Fiend Recruit: Joining us makes you this by default.

Fiend Regular: The Bedrock of our community.

Fiend Officer: A peace-keeper like role, makes sure the rules and the respect of other individuals are kept intact.

Fiend Fanatic: The Highest attainable rank in the community. This role is to oversee that the "Officers" aren't breaking the rules and to aswell assume a peacekeeping role among the community.


1. Racism in a purposefully offensive manner is forbidden. We don't mind a light-hearted joke, but there is a very fine line.

2. Do not abuse permission powers, this includes banning/muting/kicking people for a lackluster reason.

3. Do not bring your "hate the world" attitude in our teamspeak. We like to stay optimistic.

4. Do not disrespect people for their ethnicity (this includes accent), reilgion or other beliefs.

5. No "my country is better then your country" talk.

6. Try not to take serious offence at something someone has said as a joke, If you are unable to cope with non-serious jokes, this isn't the place for you.

7. Have fun

Teamspeak: ts10.bargainvoice.com:7052


--About me (Joeman4)--

I created this community so that all may have a place to come and play to have fun. by no means will you find a blatantly rude and ignorant indvivdual here. We are to keep it calm and relaxed (unless the game suggests otherwise). We enjoy meeting people from all countries and welcome you with open arms! Some of us play day-Z all the time and love playing in groups.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me on teamspeak,steamgroup or PM/comment here.

Edited by joeman4

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Could I join please, Im active and I feel like I need to play with people now. If im let in, I have just downloaded teamspeak, and when I copy and past the server that is given into the name thing, am I doing it right? if not could you tell me please

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Could I join please, Im active and I feel like I need to play with people now. If im let in, I have just downloaded teamspeak, and when I copy and past the server that is given into the name thing, am I doing it right? if not could you tell me please

1. click on Connections on top left then click connect.

2. Add IP ts10.bargainvoice.com:7052 to Server adress

3. click connect

(optional) when you join server go to bookmarks add to bookmarks if you enjoy playing with us of course :)

Edited by joeman4

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This community is great, while we are relatively small at the moment, we continue to grow based on that new people stay because of the friendly environment that our members have created.

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Share on other sites Your group can play on my server Im Looking for more groups clans and players

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Share on other sites Your group can play on my server Im Looking for more groups clans and players

Will look into to it for sure.

Hey man i will join you guys my steam is josh1073 hit me up.

I added you on steam. Same as Forum name.

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Added you Josh.

Hey Wowbandy, what type of server is it?

Edited by Foolski

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