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Guys In Gillies inter-National

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GIGN (Guys In Gillies inter-National ) [Ts3] [Website] [Future game servers]

GIGn was founded on 15/11/2012 and is these short days we have set up our site, teamspeak and have a working ranking system.

We support many games and as soon as we get the funding will bring out game server

GIGN Searches for food, ammo and all other general supplies night and day while training survivors they have encountered. GIGN is haven for most people, although there are some people who refuse to join them in the quest for peace and a stable home. GIGN leave a clear note in every city either tagged on a building or on a sign, "Bandits beware we are here"

Site : www[dot]gignclan[dot]com

Ts3 :

Languages : Main is English but feel free to use your own languages around people from your country

Region : World Wide

Members: 20-30

GIGN is currently looking for new players. Please, apply to the clan and await our response. Thank you.

Assualt Team - Recruiting

Sniper Team - Recruiting

Support Team - Recruiting

Application form :

1. In game name :

2. Ts3 and Forum name :

3. Microphone* :

4. Can you donate* :

5. Previous clans :

6. Why do you want to join :

7. Are you active :

8. Referral :

9. Any thing else you would like to add* :

10. Age :

11. Which team would you like to be a part of:

Currently we are not accepting under 16 years old with some exceptions.

Questions marked with An "*" are optional and will have no affect on the out come of your application.

Feel free to contact though private massage or any the member on our site or Ts3 if you have any questions.



Clan Leader

Edited by killerxx9

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1.In game name: CroW

2.TS3: CroW Forum: CroWcro



5."Sniper team Elite cro" "survivor L3gends ^^"

6. Looking for a new team

7.Yes, always ;)

9.Iam a good team player. I hope we will get along :)

10. Age: 21

11. Sniper team

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1. In game name : Qutfo

2. Ts3 and Forum name : Qutfo

3. Microphone* : yes

4. Can you donate* : depends on the price, but most likely yes.

5. Previous clans : on DayZ none. Been playing with few IRL friends.

6. Why do you want to join : Most of the time i have been playing alone. So with clan i find this game more interesting and survive chances are much better.

7. Are you active : Yes, besides 4 days every 2 weeks and some random days/evenings, since my gf keeps telling me that she need some time too?!

9. Any thing else you would like to add* : Im from Finland (gmt+2). I also play BF3 which feels like CoD after DayZ / arma2.

10. Age : 25, about to turn 26 in few months.

11. Which team would you like to be a part of: Assault

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Just thought you may wanna know 'gillies' is spelt 'ghillies'

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Just thought you may wanna know 'gillies' is spelt 'ghillies'

HAHAHA thanks sorry

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1. In game name : Symbolic

2. Ts3 and Forum name : Symbolic

3. Microphone* : Yes

4. Can you donate* : Possibly

5. Previous clans : Haven't had very much clans.

6. Why do you want to join : I think I'd like to join because I enjoy playing DayZ and I think I'd be a great addition to the team here at GIGN. I feel that I can bring maturity (not that its not already there) and goofiness. I have a great personality and am easy going and I do not get mad very easily.

7. Are you active : I'm pretty active, I'm on a few hours a day, which I think efficient.

8. Referral : None.

9. Any thing else you would like to add* : Consider it please! ^_^

10. Age : 17

11. Which team would you like to be a part of: Sniper Team

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