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Trading Mk48, M4A1 Holo and other rare guns for L85,NVGs or RF

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From now on I got these guns for trade:

MK48 Mod 0 with mags

M4A1CCO SD with 10 mags

M4A1 Holo UGL with mags

M4A3 with mags

M16A4 ACOG with mags

16x SVD mags

M14AIM with mags

FAL PVS 4 with mags

M9SD with mag

Edited by dennishung

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Yes because

Wasn't L85 removed?

It was tremendously over powered. It allowed even Ghillie suits to glow like the sun, day or night. Only one without much skill would NEED one against someone without one. (no insult to OP intended) Want is different I know but the devs AND community decided that against players that don't have one, it's too OP. I agree. Also, a pro sniper doesn't need an AS50. We are working at removing the AS50 from our loot tables. Need to stop a vehicle? Be a good enough shot to shoot the driver while in it. Can't? Tough tities.

Edited by NoyZ

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Wasn't L85 removed?

It was. They don't spawn any more but if you had one before updating to the new patch it didn't disappear or anything. I've still got mine. ;)

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From now on I got these guns for trade:

MK48 Mod 0 with mag

M4A1CCO SD with 10 mags

M107 with mags

M4A3 with mags

M16A4 ACOG with mags

16x SVD mags

M14AIM with mags

FAL PVS 4 with mags

M9SD with mag

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From now on I got these guns for trade:

MK48 Mod 0 with mags

M4A1CCO SD with 10 mags

M4A1 Holo UGL with mags

M4A3 with mags

M16A4 ACOG with mags

16x SVD mags

M14AIM with mags

FAL PVS 4 with mags

M9SD with mag

Edited by dennishung

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Mk48+M4A1 Holo and its good. Just realized that with the M4 I just can use that one if I don't have ammo for the MG. Plus Mk does more Dmg.

PM me for where to meet etc...

EDIT: Ok, if you don't write me, your fault.

Edited by LoL4Ever

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