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Multiple users on same IP unable to join the same server

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Hi, I read the stickies and did a website search but wasn't able to come up with any answers so here goes...

My brother and I share a router, each of us have seperate Steam versions of ARMA II and OA(completely separate keys), DayZ 1.7.1 w/ newest ARMA beta patch. Both computers are newer(within a year) and have adequate hardware. We use Six Launcher to access Dayz servers. We can join separate servers but never the same one, the person who logs in first gets kicked by the 2nd person. Tried changing ports on both machines and reset wireless router to no avail. We've also tried launching the game and connecting to servers via Steam, Six Launcher or just through the regular in-game browser itself with no success.

Any suggestions on how we can fix this problem and play on the same server together? Thanks for any feedback. ~Youngstown

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Check if your router has Universal Plug and Play. Also, try setting static IP addresses.

That's all I've got. It's kinda silly that Arma 2 servers check for both duplicate keys and IPs, it seems redundant.

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-His brother

Ya we've tried everything at this point and still can't play. It's too bad because we only got this game so we could do something coop together. Lucky for us it's an awesome game so we still play it but it's an even better game with friends. If anyone has any suggestions or has had this problem as well, please feel free to share. Shanks.

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I have run into this problem in the past myself. This is how I fixed it.


"Specifying a Clientport as a Launch Option

To specify a client port, please perform the following steps for each computer on the LAN

Go to Steam's My games menu

Right-click on the game you wish to play

Go to Properties

From the General tab, click on the Set launch options button

Add a different client port number on each machine between 27005 and 27032 in the following format:

+clientport 270XX

Note: Do not use 27020

Click OK

NOTE: This solution only works if you launch the game through the My games menu.

If you have already set other launch options, leave a space between the last character of your previous launch option and the + of your clientport setting."

Hope it helps!

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Well Thanks for the port suggestion and I'm sure it would work but for whatever reason, I can't connect to Day Z servers through the client game itself, only six launcher.

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