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why am i a bird?

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So, i own OA/Arma 2 legitimately through steam, and havent played in a few months, i try to play today, and i'm a bird, can't respawn

havent seen any messages or anything, i've read about it being an anti-piracy thing, but i own the game legitimately, if necessary i can make my steam profile public and link it here so people can see.

reinstall isnt much of an option if it would involve me redownloading 20gb of game, as i'm in australia and bandwidth is at a premium

EDIT: i should also say, i have not used hacks or shit like that which might steal my keys

Edited by MufasaFromLionKing

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Have you tried multiple servers or are you stuck as a bird on just one server?

Edited by Fraggle

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I usually spawned as a bird when I had ACE enabled playing Takistan Life once.. Sure was fun but a bit annoying when you want to play...

Edited by voddler

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Maybe it's your inner Nelly Furtado trying to come out.

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Maybe it's your inner Nelly Furtado trying to come out.

lost it lol

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are you sure you arn't a plane? O no wait you're superman!

edit spelling mistakes....

Edited by Nithren

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