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Small simple suggestions (Running, weapons, etc)

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I have a couple of things I'd like to suggest towards the game.

- If possible, make weapon switching take less time or at least let you switch while running, can't say how many times I've died attempting to switch weapons while zombies are coming towards me.

- Doors are over powered, wayyyy to much damage.

- Ladders are over powered as well, a huge hazard and I'm scared to touch one.

- If possible, you should make the vaulting animation a bit better, and take less time as well.

- Not sure if this could be incorporated but, I had a thought that you should be able to jump off of buildings and if you vault at the right time (or maybe create a new hot-key for roll) you could land safely or with minor damage in comparison to dying from just jumping off 10 feet. I mainly suggest this because I figured this game was trying to be as realistic as possible, If this was an actual zombie apocalypse I could easily land a jump roll off a building of minor heights.

- Making an easier way of finding water for the water canteen item.

- Incorporating more of a camp system with more items for setting a base of some sort perhaps (Not thought through to well).

- My last suggestion would just be more weapons if possible, I know there's alot already, but having a large variety would make weapons in general more unique and rare, finding a specific one would take a bit more effort. I'd also like a larger variety of zombies, perhaps zombie dogs, or zombies with special abilities of sorts, if this is incorporated I'd suggest lowering movement speed on normal zombies to compensate for the harder zombies.

I apologize if some of these have been suggested already or if I'm asking for too much, these are just a couple of things I've thought of/problems I've ran into during playing the game.

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